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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    1 year surgiversary!

    Down 108 pounds, 96 overall inches. Feeling great!
  2. 1 point

    What to buy prior to surgery

    Hey there! My surgery is 4 weeks away. I am wondering what I should go ahead and purchase ahead of time. Or what I should stock up on. I know the obvious protein drinks and vitamins but wanted to see if there is anything else that y'all know of so I can be as prepared as possible. Thank you!
  3. 1 point

    Restriction and daily calories

    My recommendation is stop any shakes and protein supplements and feed your body lean protein, a wide range of vegetables, small amounts of whole grains, and a little fruit. Whole Foods, no sweeteners. And drink tons of water only. No artificial or natural sweeteners. Give it a try. I think you will feel great and get results.
  4. 1 point

    Stall & Gain -How??

    I totally understand! I have been stuck for a week now - I'm 4 weeks out today. I definitely need to stop weighing myself! I'm also due for my period so hopefully it's just that...... I keep getting scared I'm never gonna loose anymore lol
  5. 1 point
    I watch my 600 lb story, all the time, family hates it. But I feel a kindred-ness to some of the people and their struggles. Although I was never at that weight. Even though some are as tall as me 5'1, Recently I was watching the show and my daughter, rolled her eyes and said Mom do you feel that big and I said sometimes. She said Mom that's sad, do you know how many of those people would love to be the size you are now? (onederland). Honestly I never thought about it that way. But I can say that's its made me more grateful for the weight I have gotten to !!!
  6. 1 point


    I second everything mama just said. That was my experience to a "t" as well.
  7. 1 point

    How I maintain

    I have sympathy for those of you who have regained weight. I myself lost 120 pounds and at 2 years out my portion options became much larger, my ability to snack became apparent, and my weight started to yo yo. So what happened. Well I felt very very depressed. I put on 15 lbs and was having nightmares about being back to my pre op weight. I also felt extremely depressed about the idea of having to be back on a diet and stay there the rest of my life. My weight loss with my sleeve was very easy and I had it had to really try not to eat. Suddenly all that changed. The scale began to rise. So what did I do? I began dieting again. Counting calories, doing low carb, etc. what happened? I lost weight. And then gained it back and then some. I found myself back in the same pattern of dieting and binging that got me obese in the first place. I felt very angry and in despair. I just knew I couldn't live like that again. I knew dieting had made me gain weight before and I would again. Skipping meals, going to bed hungry, not allowing myself to eat things I enjoyed, not enjoying family events because of the food, etc. I decided I was done with all that. There was no way I was going to go back to dieting because I would be more depressed living like that than being overweight. Instead I began to research anti-dieting. I discovered intuitive eating and it changed my life. I bought books, read stories and blogs, and made a pact with myself I would no longer diet. And I began to eat anything I wanted and to honor my bodies hunger and fullness signals. I soon found myself eating a normal amount of food without binging. My weight stabilized, my energy level shot way up, I regained my health. I stopped weighing myself or counting my calories. I finally had the energy to go to the gym- not for weight loss but for the fun I got out of it. I now weigh about 128lbs at 5'6. I maintain my weight with no effort. I eat when I am hungry and I don't if I'm not hungry. I eat whatever makes me feel good and sometimes I even eat food that makes me feel crappy. I am active and fit. I don't think about food or have food rules. I allow all food in my home and I never binge on food because I don't need to as I am not deprived or hungry. I follow my bodies intuition. If you are having issues like me I highly recommend reading intuitive eating and walking away from the diet mindset. Surgery is a great tool but no one can live on a diet plan forever. And who would want to? Me and my daughter who I am also raising to be an intuitive eater and to love her body at any size.
  8. 1 point

    Surgery Scheduled for April 5th

    Congratulations! My surgery is scheduled for May 9th. It has been a long process and I am so happy. I wish you a good surgery and speedy recovery!!
  9. 1 point
    Thanks to everyone who responded I tried smaller bites today and no pain. Will keep that In​ Mind going forward
  10. 1 point

    First Soft Food meal

    I'm still 2 weeks out from soft/purée but here is my planned... Breakfast-1 egg scrambled with 2 oz puréed beef hash. Lunch-2slices deli turkey Dinner- sugar free bbq ribs (puréed) & ref ride beans. Can't wait!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
