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  1. 3 points

    How I maintain

    I have sympathy for those of you who have regained weight. I myself lost 120 pounds and at 2 years out my portion options became much larger, my ability to snack became apparent, and my weight started to yo yo. So what happened. Well I felt very very depressed. I put on 15 lbs and was having nightmares about being back to my pre op weight. I also felt extremely depressed about the idea of having to be back on a diet and stay there the rest of my life. My weight loss with my sleeve was very easy and I had it had to really try not to eat. Suddenly all that changed. The scale began to rise. So what did I do? I began dieting again. Counting calories, doing low carb, etc. what happened? I lost weight. And then gained it back and then some. I found myself back in the same pattern of dieting and binging that got me obese in the first place. I felt very angry and in despair. I just knew I couldn't live like that again. I knew dieting had made me gain weight before and I would again. Skipping meals, going to bed hungry, not allowing myself to eat things I enjoyed, not enjoying family events because of the food, etc. I decided I was done with all that. There was no way I was going to go back to dieting because I would be more depressed living like that than being overweight. Instead I began to research anti-dieting. I discovered intuitive eating and it changed my life. I bought books, read stories and blogs, and made a pact with myself I would no longer diet. And I began to eat anything I wanted and to honor my bodies hunger and fullness signals. I soon found myself eating a normal amount of food without binging. My weight stabilized, my energy level shot way up, I regained my health. I stopped weighing myself or counting my calories. I finally had the energy to go to the gym- not for weight loss but for the fun I got out of it. I now weigh about 128lbs at 5'6. I maintain my weight with no effort. I eat when I am hungry and I don't if I'm not hungry. I eat whatever makes me feel good and sometimes I even eat food that makes me feel crappy. I am active and fit. I don't think about food or have food rules. I allow all food in my home and I never binge on food because I don't need to as I am not deprived or hungry. I follow my bodies intuition. If you are having issues like me I highly recommend reading intuitive eating and walking away from the diet mindset. Surgery is a great tool but no one can live on a diet plan forever. And who would want to? Me and my daughter who I am also raising to be an intuitive eater and to love her body at any size.
  2. 1 point

    Pre surgery question

    My sleeve surgery isnt scheduled until August. When do I begin counting protein and carbs and fats? Whats the best way to do this?
  3. 1 point

    Terible pain when eating

    When you reheat things in the microwave you remove some of the moisture. So leftovers become denser and harder to eat. I never had anything like this on soft foods I had soft baked fish. Call your Dr, you should not have pain when eating.
  4. 1 point

    How I maintain

    Thank you for sharing! Is the book called Intuitive Eating?
  5. 1 point


    I agree with orionburn, it is best to start with decaf. That's what I did. Then my nutritionist cleared me for regular coffee at 12 weeks post op. She said to start slowly, which I did. I handled it just fine and now at 4 and a half months post op, I drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day. But I have read where some people's nuts or doctors don't want them getting back on the caffeine at all, so your best bet is to check with them.
  6. 1 point

    Surgery tomorrow at 10am and uummmm...

    Thank you everyone!! I'm finally post-op. Wasn't as bad as I imagined at all. I'm feeling pretty okay. Anesthesia has had he sleepy and groggy most of the day. In terms of pain, incision pain in minimal. Just feels like I did lots of push ups. Oh boy, but that has pain is a killer. It really hurts. Walking is the only solution. I've walked every chance I got and I'm going to continue to do that. Also, peeing every 10 minutes! Lol So happy I did this and I'm excited to start this new journey of my like. Thank you all for your kind words, well wishes and encouragement. [emoji173]
  7. 1 point
    I'm sorry to hear about that. Just hang in there. Here, have a sugar free popsicle.
  8. 1 point

    5 days post op

    I'm only 5 days post op and I'm going with the gallbladder /hernia (that part is true) and the high protein low carbs. It's my business and feel like I don't have to explain myself
  9. 1 point

    5 days post op

    Also I've used I had a stomach ache and I'm nursing it Sent from my LG-M210 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point
    Surgery was 1/24 had gastric bypass so far I've lost 30 pounds, but like others have said every one is different I started at 301 pound now 271

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