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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    10 weeks

    I'm 10 weeks post op today. Down 48 lbs I was wondering if I can start taking pre workout before the gym?
  2. 1 point
    Hi all, I had my sleeve surgery March 5th 2014 with zero complications and lost 130 lbs my first year. I got pregnant 1.5 years out and gained 20 lbs during the pregnancy, and that weight came off very quickly after delivery. But unfortunately during the pregnancy my hunger came back full force, and I stretched my sleeve no doubt. My baby is 13 months old now and I feel like even though I still can't eat as much as I was once able, I am able to eat more than I am supposed to, also I am slipping calorie-wise. I was doing so well the first couple years, I had fought the head hunger to where it wasn't a problem, and now it is back. Making unhealthy eating choices, etc. I have not gained back much, 10 lbs or less, but it is noticeable (clothes are snug and overall feeling sluggish and terrible.) Those who are years out, how do you keep focused? This is a lifetime commitment and I should NOT be struggling at only 3 years out!! I feel like I need to start from square one, with Protein shakes and all that. Please any advice is much appreciated.
  3. 1 point


    I had a great feeling today. I went for a walk with my parents in my neighborhood and I haven't really walked around the neighborhood in a long time. It brought back memories from over a year ago when I couldn't even walk one small flat block. Now I'm walking around multiple blocks and up and down hills. Without getting even a little out of breath. It was a great reminder of where I started and how far I've come.
  4. 1 point

    Day 2

    I was sleeved yesterday and I can tolerate much of anything PO. Despite their best efforts to medicate me I get violently il. So I'm off Narcs now and just trying to walk as much as I can.
  5. 1 point

    How I maintain

    I have sympathy for those of you who have regained weight. I myself lost 120 pounds and at 2 years out my portion options became much larger, my ability to snack became apparent, and my weight started to yo yo. So what happened. Well I felt very very depressed. I put on 15 lbs and was having nightmares about being back to my pre op weight. I also felt extremely depressed about the idea of having to be back on a diet and stay there the rest of my life. My weight loss with my sleeve was very easy and I had it had to really try not to eat. Suddenly all that changed. The scale began to rise. So what did I do? I began dieting again. Counting calories, doing low carb, etc. what happened? I lost weight. And then gained it back and then some. I found myself back in the same pattern of dieting and binging that got me obese in the first place. I felt very angry and in despair. I just knew I couldn't live like that again. I knew dieting had made me gain weight before and I would again. Skipping meals, going to bed hungry, not allowing myself to eat things I enjoyed, not enjoying family events because of the food, etc. I decided I was done with all that. There was no way I was going to go back to dieting because I would be more depressed living like that than being overweight. Instead I began to research anti-dieting. I discovered intuitive eating and it changed my life. I bought books, read stories and blogs, and made a pact with myself I would no longer diet. And I began to eat anything I wanted and to honor my bodies hunger and fullness signals. I soon found myself eating a normal amount of food without binging. My weight stabilized, my energy level shot way up, I regained my health. I stopped weighing myself or counting my calories. I finally had the energy to go to the gym- not for weight loss but for the fun I got out of it. I now weigh about 128lbs at 5'6. I maintain my weight with no effort. I eat when I am hungry and I don't if I'm not hungry. I eat whatever makes me feel good and sometimes I even eat food that makes me feel crappy. I am active and fit. I don't think about food or have food rules. I allow all food in my home and I never binge on food because I don't need to as I am not deprived or hungry. I follow my bodies intuition. If you are having issues like me I highly recommend reading intuitive eating and walking away from the diet mindset. Surgery is a great tool but no one can live on a diet plan forever. And who would want to? Me and my daughter who I am also raising to be an intuitive eater and to love her body at any size.
  6. 1 point

    What did u eat???

    hello ..what about oatmeal?
  7. 1 point
    Alex Brecher

    Today is my 10 year Bandiversary

    Congrats, Josie!!! A DECADE with the Lap-Band!!! Seems like you've learned that the band isn't a quick fix. Thanks for checking in and happy Bandiversary!
  8. 1 point

    A little worried

    There's no way to know. The odds of needing a revision whether it be complications, reflux, etc. is fairly low, but it still does happen. Can't avoid the risks. Just do what you can to mitigate any complications that could be caused by yourself. I have moderate reflux (GERD) and am going with 3 surgeons' advice to get the VSG done, with a revision option a year down the road (I believe it would be more like 2 or 3 but we'll see) to RNY. I too worry about getting worse reflux and the staging of esophageal damage but generally people can also take PPI's to help mitigate this by default.
  9. 1 point
    I love unsweetened apple sauce, so it will be great for me.
  10. 1 point

    Need your help! Not your criticism :)

    Hello all, i know that this is a long post, but I would really appreciate your responses. I am in a real shitty situation! I had the Gastric Sleeve Surgery back in July of 2016, which makes it 8 months post op. At first everything was going well, the first month I lost 18 lbs, the second month I lost 6, then the third 5, then the fourth stayed the same, then it was Thanksgiving and Christmas (Holiday Season) and thats when it all went down hill. I stayed the same weight until after christmas. At this point up to christmas I lost about 30lbs in 5 months, and now I gained some weight and my total weight loss is 22 lbs, so I gained 8lbs from december until now (March 29th). I really want to start losing the weight again, but im afraid that it won't come off as fast as it would have closer to surgery. In 4 months it will already be a year!

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