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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    I had a great feeling today. I went for a walk with my parents in my neighborhood and I haven't really walked around the neighborhood in a long time. It brought back memories from over a year ago when I couldn't even walk one small flat block. Now I'm walking around multiple blocks and up and down hills. Without getting even a little out of breath. It was a great reminder of where I started and how far I've come.
  2. 1 point


    Out of plus size women's clothing! Hooray!
  3. 1 point

    Dizzy & Light headed

    I'm 6 weeks post op. I get very dizzy & light headed when I stand up. Just started a week ago. Anyone else experience anything similar ? I have an appt to see my primary tomorrow but this forum has such wealth of answers I had to ask.
  4. 1 point
    Yeah, I understand. This whole process is stressful. I would say go ahead and call your insurance, put your mind at ease.
  5. 1 point
    Good idea, since he orders double anyway, I could just say it's mine and let him finish it
  6. 1 point
    The first weigh in is what they go by or should be going by. I wouldn't worry. @kins117 I'm surprised they submitted your current. Did they say that in the beginning of your program?
  7. 1 point

    Celebrating a big thing without food

    Congratulations on 10 years! My surgery is June 14th so we are real close. How about a romantic carriage ride in the park? Gondolea? I am not sure where you live. Comedy show? (not as romantic) Concert in the park? Go see a play? Couples massage? I am not sure if that was helpful but just somethings I , myself might consider if I were in your position.
  8. 1 point

    Surgey 4/17

    Best of luck with your surgery. I had mine 2 years ago and I can tell you I felt no pain. Which was a good thing. Weight will drop off but the hard part is keeping it off. If you follow all the info given to you you should be ok. Best of luck.
  9. 1 point

    A Different Type of NSV

    Just wanted to share this- Pre surgery, I cooked up a STORM for my family of 5, which includes two teenaged boys who EAT. And eat. My kids will bypass fast food any day for a home cooked meal. They actually prefer it, along with fruits and veggies. So, being a typical mom, I didn't want them eating garbage while I was recovering. My lovely mom even contributed to my stockpiled freezer. My family had meals for 4 entire weeks. Last week I was moved to a general diet and finally blew through all the cooked frozen meals. Here's the kicker- I have been cooking all of those meals once again, and I'm ok with it. I really didn't think I would be able to, knowing there were things I could not eat at this point. But I did. And have enjoyed it. So, a different kind of NSV, but exciting nonetheless. Even made Desserts. Didn't want a single bite of any of it either.
  10. 1 point

    Feeling so anxious -pre op

    @@jbrooks_rn Well that sounds miserable! There where times in my pre-op I just had to take some zzzzquil to sleep, it also kept me from being up all hours of the night hungry!

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