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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Restriction and daily calories

    I'm exactly the same! Lost NOTHING for 3 months. I eat about 1000 a day. Dr said stop the shake. Nut said too MUCH protein, add small fruit, then dr said no fruit, add shake....I'm so confused! I've tried changing what I eat, how much, increased activity, increased water, etc. a friend that is about a year out said it happened to her too, said one day just started falling off quickly again. I'm praying for that day! Lol
  2. 2 points
    My doctor has the following guidelines: Calories 800; Carbs 40; Protein 65-80; Water At least 64 oz. Weigh and Measure everything, and Track your food. Protein first, followed by veggies. When I follow the guidelines I lose weight. I include one shake a day to up my protein. I totally avoid protein bars -- too many carbs. I think your proposed plan of an egg for breakfast and a piece of chicken for lunch and dinner would not be successful. You would "fall off the wagon" quickly and become more discouraged. I've had some difficulties lately and I'm just getting back on track. It is tough, but I won't give up. I am determined to reach my goal. Best of luck to you.
  3. 2 points

    Code word

    No problem. You might be surprised. After the first couple of weeks my frame of mind was mostly positive with a bit of down moments. When the weight starts to come off it is hard not to feel good. So worth it for both of you. Good luck
  4. 1 point
    Thank you for responding to my post. I appreciate your support! My mom and I have talked about how my dad is expressing his views and she thinks that limiting talk about my surgery is best. Which I agree with at this point. My dad has been overweight almost his whole life and knows the risks. Stroke and diabetes runs in our family and fortunately I haven't had medical issues... yet. That is a big part of why I am doing this whole journey. My father has made his mind up and I just have to live with that. I know that this is best and now I have all of you guys for support and my mom and sister. How are you liking your WLS? How far are you post op?
  5. 1 point
    Your experience sounds like a rerun version of my experience. I had the light headed stuff for about a week. I felt like I was going to pass out a few times during that week. The second week it just went away. I actually gained weight after release from the hospital I was four-six pounds heavier than my pre surgery weight. Remember you probably did a "clean out" the night before and trauma will cause you to retain. Week two I was losing fast.... I'm week 3 now and have completely stalled, I was 35BMI when I started so I guess it's common it's frustrating tho
  6. 1 point

    Strange Sounds

    That's so strange. I'm almost 3 months out and mine only does that sometimes certainly not every day, not even every week. I guess some people have that sound and some don't. Sorry, that really must be annoying.
  7. 1 point

    Dry dry skin :(

    I mean coco butter lotion !
  8. 1 point

    Weight Loss questions

    I had the lapband in 2008 when I was 380 pounds at my consultation. I was able to get down to 280 but had many complications and gained all my weight back and had to get it removed in 2012. I continued in a downward (or upward I should say) Spiral with my health and weight. I rapidly gained weight and in October of 2015 I decided I needed to make a change and fast when I was put in the hospital for breathing problems and they almost wouldn't do a catscan because I was over the weight limit when I told them I was 480 pounds (which is what I thought I was). I was so overweight doctors were having trouble treating me. I ended up having to go on oxygen 24/7 because I was so overweight it was pressing against my lungs and restricting my breathing. I called and made an appointment at the bariatric surgeon the day I got out of the hospital. When I went for the consultation it turns out I actually weighed 540 pounds. I went through 6 months of preop diet and was able to lose 60 pounds. The day of surgery on May 29, 2016 I weighed 480 pounds. Today, March 16, 2017, I weight 303.8 pounds. I got my life back. Before I could hardly walk the length of a room and now I walk 2 miles almost every day. I had a lot of complications after surgery but I would do this surgery again in a heartbeat even with all I went through. I had the sleeve surgery because I did not want the malabsorbtion or dumping syndrome. Good luck to you and if you have any other questions you can ask!
  9. 1 point
    With my clear liquid diet, I am only getting about 100 cal / day and no real protein. I have jello legs. Tomorrow I start full liquids which includes protein shakes. I want to start tonight, but I am not hungry
  10. 1 point


    I definitely wouldn't handle it by eating cookies. That is going to sabotage your weight loss efforts. Try the SF popcycles or pudding and see if that will help curb your cravings. How about greek yogurt? This is where you are going to have to buckle down and really use your willpower. That's the things about WLS, a chocolate chip cookie still smells and tastes like a chocolate chip cookie. We have to find ways to resist the urge. Good luck

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