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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Seeing WLS patients everywhere?

    When I was pregnant, I became hyper aware of all the pregnant people around. One day, no preggos.. the next, boom! Now that I'm about to go under the knife, I start thinking about all the people I have seen that have lost a ton of weight, and I wonder whether they had some help [emoji6] And, recently, an aquaintance mentioned she had a small stomach. Before, I would have thought it was some kind of birth defect. Now I know better! Lol.
  2. 1 point

    Day 7 Post Surgery

    So...here I am..7 days out. I can see now, that last week was a "honeymoon" phase. Didn't miss or want food. Now...I am doing great, but my head is starting to think...jeez...I have not eaten in a looooong time. I am hungry at times. I have a protein shake, and that stops that...luckily those intervals have worked into 3 "meals" a day. But I am stating to miss eating a little. I find myself thinking of really decadent food, that quite frankly I have not had for months...but they are popping into my head. I am starting to mourn, seems early, and I know once I start driving and getting back out into the world this week, the real challenges will begin. Not gonna lie. Scared..and a little sad. I know its worth it, and I knew what I was getting into, but until you are actually here you have no idea how you will feel. Just wanted to vent, and see if anyone else is feeling this way.
  3. 1 point

    Day 2 post op pain

    Staying positive is a big thing in this first week. Surround yourself with things to keep you upbeat, whether binge watching a funny show, good book, or be busy with a hobby. We've all been there and are here to help support in whatever way we can. It's easy to beat yourself up and second guess everything. You aren't alone in that thinking. Most of us go through it but you'll look back in a couple weeks and say it was all worth it. You'll get through it!
  4. 1 point
    Lol I feel the same way. I look at peoples before and after pictures and especially in the time they said it took them to lose the weight and I am," I know what you did." lol
  5. 1 point

    1st pureed meal post op

    Surgery 10th feb. Just had my 1st pureed stage food. Had some ready brek. Didnt think I would ever feel full and was worrying that it would'nt work for me but I am over the moon that after a few spoons I actually felt full lol. Feeling full, satisfied and very happy. Mandi xx
  6. 1 point

    Will my stomach look "normal" again?

    It's too early for me to know if I'll have excess skin yet on my tummy. But I am prepared to get plastic surgery especially if I lose my boobs. Height: 5'0" Weight for WLS consultation: 216 lbs. Surgery date: 2/13/17 Goal: -71 lbs for healthy BMI (about 145 lbs). Current weight: 185.2 My profile picture is not me. It's my "FITspiration" body.
  7. 1 point

    Pause in weight loss?!

    I am with you guys. Every time I hit a stall, I wonder why and what can I do to keep it going. Lower carbs, increase exercise, change exercise, get more sleep, drink more water, eat more protein, track your intake. Pick some of these and see what works for you. I still can't figure it out either. And sometimes, I think it's just a waiting game. I wait and BAM! 5 lbs in one week. That was last week after a 3 week stall. Not my first 3 week stall either. On the bright side, I really do feel like even when my body isn't showing a loss on the scale, I am still loosing inches. Defies logic, but I'd swear it is happening. They also say the stall is the body's time to catch up with the weight loss, and that's how I try to look at it. Keep fighting the good fight and be patient grasshopper.
  8. 1 point

    Post surgery questions

    I also have a desk job. You can ultimately take a week and be fine. I took 3 weeks just because I could. That was the max for my doctor to keep me out of work. I went to the gym the same week of surgery but that was only to walk very slowly on the treadmill... walking makes the pain so much better. I love ZUMBA but did not resume until 5/6 weeks out. My Dr. Said I could start light strengthening at 3 weeks. You don't want to do anything that could damage your healing stomach. You will not be able to lift him after surgery, the length of time I'm unsure, but if I had to guesstimate I'd say 3 weeks. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  9. 1 point


    Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well this morning. I am soooo excited - I hit onderland today!! I have been waiting for this moment and I'm so glad that I made the decision to have surgery. Just wish I would have done it sooner! I included a pic of when I started, and a current pic as well. Only 8 more pounds to go until I am 100 pounds down. Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend.
  10. 1 point

    After Surgery - I had no clue!

    I still hurt pretty bad but none of your other symptoms. If you're worried I'd go back to the hospital regardless of what the surgeon said.

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