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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2017 in all areas
2 points
So glad I'm finally seeing results I was sleeved on 1/9 today is 2/19
DahliaIris and one other reacted to Elle76 for a post in a topic
Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App -
2 points
Which Weight Loss Surgery Foods and Products Would You Like to See?
smyleetn and one other reacted to CanucKnucklehead for a post in a topic
I would just love to have access to all of the products that are already out there. It's hard to find a lot of products in Canada, and when you can find a company that will ship here, the shipping fees and duty fees are often prohibitive. It would be nice to have vendors in Canada that sold these things - either in store or online! -
1 point
Keep Going
Treadmillwalker reacted to Julie norton for a post in a topic
Always encouraging. Even if we stumble. We try to start over. It's a good strategy imho -
1 point
Status updates are back!
BonnieJo reacted to Alex Brecher for a status update
Status updates are back! -
1 point
Post-op insomnia?!
Dashofpixiedust8 reacted to orionburn for a post in a topic
My sleep cycle was all jacked up for the first week once I was back at home. I had a prolonged stay at the hospital due to some complications so the continual wake-up calls every 2-3 hours for 6 days wrecked me. For the first few days at home I would wake up at 2 a.m. and then just be up from then on. I didn't do anything special to get back on track. Just took my body some time to get back to normal, but it did after a few days. It can be frustrating but it'll get better! -
1 point
Which Weight Loss Surgery Foods and Products Would You Like to See?
Finally17 reacted to sleevinpops for a post in a topic
I would love to find a cookbook that focuses on the Bari diet. -
1 point
ShelterDog64 reacted to Resha for a post in a topic
Thank you for the encouraging words. I appreciate them and I'm glad that I can look forward to feeling myself again -
1 point
Filter for BMI over 54
tanyamann32 reacted to 10stackzz for a post in a topic
No filter...but, I'm on blood thinners...I've had clots and one broke off and lodged in my heart....I had heart revascularization surgery & that's the only thing that saved me...only steps from a filter. This is my main reason for WLS surgery. -
1 point
amyjane79 reacted to Sparkles21 for a post in a topic
Holy crap! I was denied a few weeks ago. Today I got a verbal approval and what a huge sigh of relief that is! I thought by now is already have had it. I'm so glad to get the help I need! Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App -
1 pointHello everyone I am new here and just wanted to say hi , introduced myself and tell you my story. My name is Tom ,I am 40 years old and I am from Toronto,Canada. Yes, I almost use to weight 1,000 lbs. I actually was 910 lbs at my highest just about a year ago. On December 10, 2015 I checked in to a hospital weighing 910 lbs and I am currently still here at the hospital continuing to receive the treatment and help I need one year later. My 1 year anniversary stay at the hospital was just 11 days ago and on December 10, 2016 I weighed 475 lbs . So I lost a total of 435 lbs + in one year. Now , I also had another problem. I had developed a big nasty a localized lymphedema (big tumor)in my groin area that grew to be about 180-200 lbs it self estimated. This lymphedema caused me my original reason i went to the hospital because it pretty much ancored me down to the point I wasn't able to walk ,get around anywhere but a few feet from my bed to the couch.Also with moving and trying to walk around stuff came great pain since the Lymphedema tumor had developed lots of ulcers and open wounds that were very bad and nasty. I no longer could take the pain and suffering and reached for the desperate help I needed but was terrified to ask for. So in the hospital I was put on a strict diet of 1500 calories to start for the first month or so and then eventually decreased to 1200 calories a day food intake. Also along with the help of my physiotherapist, doing any bed excercise we could in the beginning because at 910 lbs that's all that I could do. I lost 400 lbs by diet and exercise by September 28, 2016...Which is when I had my Gastric bypass surgery. So in 9 months basically I lost those 400 lbs and had my surgery. When I first came in here to the hospital I wasn't even thinking about getting a gastric bypass surgery or any kind of diet surgery etc. I came here in hopes of having something done and even removal of that lymphedema tumor that was paining me and ancoring me down. So it was all about losing weight and seeing what will happen. @910 lbs noone in their right mind would do any kind of surgery on a person unless it was life and death. So they had no plans to have anything with removal of this lymphedema growth till I lost enough weight and be safe. As I started to lose weight the talks and suggestions of having a Gastric bypass surgery came up by doctors. They thought it would help me lose weight faster now so we can deal with the Lymphedema growth surgery with lower and safer weight levels. Also they said it would help me in future to lose more excess weight and keep it off or maintain my weight at least for life if i used this tool correctly (Gastric bypass surgery). So in due time my doctor said that I've lost enough weight and approved me for Gastric Bypass surgery and with a weight of 510 lbs I had my surgery September 28, 2016. Now, with all this weight loss my lymphedema growth has also shrunk from its giant enormous size down to about 1/4 of what it use to be but it is still there and weighs bout 50 lbs still. Me and my doctor here at the hospital are expecting a special surgeon to come see me today(December 21,2016) actually about the removal surgery of this lymphedema hrowth. So hopefully he will have good news for me. Because that lymphedema tumor is still a big anchor for me and really in the way and holding me back from doing a lot of things including not being able to walk and move around in certain ways because it gets in the way. Now the hospital I'm in has a special bariatric program and there was a reason why I actually ended up picking this hospital to come to. I knew someone who's dad is a surgeon here and he directed me to have EMS and Fire to bring me here from home. Also, since I'm in Canada all hospital stay to date including my Gastric Bypass survey was covered under OHIP as we call it here. That good old free Canadian healthcare that every Canadian gets at work for me luckily. I have been truly lucky and blessed with everything from being able to get the help I needed and all the amazing people involved including all nurses and doctors and other hospital admins who have done everything they could to keep me here and help me achieve my goals to get better and walk out of this hospital on my own 2 legs. Since the surgery on September 28th I have lost 40 lbs till now December, 21 2016. Now this is due to a problem I have developed with my platelets in my blood. My immune system became overactive and started killing my platelets in my blood thinking the platelets wee some foreign objects like viruses and infections so it destroy them . Platelets in blood help to thicken or congeil the blood incase you cut yourself you wont bleed away and can't stop the blood . Or if your platelet count is very low and say you fall, hit your head you could get internal bleeding etc. So the avg persons platelet levels should be between 150 to 400 ish. That's what's considered normal apperantly. Well I had mine go down as low as 2 . Very dangerous. So they got me on some steroids to calm my immune system and it seems to be doing ok at around the country of 135. So they aren't comcerned with me about that now. Anyway, these steroids cause weight gain due to Water retention etc etc. So losing weight has been harder after surgery and it was after surgery we discovered these platelet problems. But not related to Gastric Bypass surgery. Instead of me typing everything out and explaining so much that I have to explain and tell, I have created a YouTube channel so I could tell my story and progress through my channel. I will link everything below. Now, best thing would be is to watch my very first vlog here https://youtu.be/n3CLU2ghoiM My 2nd Vlog here to catch up on my story https://youtu.be/Y3MXkp-nQJ8 Or you can go to my channel and watch everything I ever uploaded here. https://m.youtube.com/user/Boosted00 But the 1st two Vlogs are my intro explanation videos to my weight loss journey and my 910 lbs life.... I'd appreciate if you all check out my YouTube channel Subscribe to me , comment like and share . Would be a great help. I will end it here for now, in the first vlog video I have pictures of when I use to look like ,I have a picture of the size of the Lymphedema groin tumor and things in the beginning of that first YouTube video along with the beginning stages of my story. I will be adding new content couple times a week and also continue explaining my story in a new video which will be Vlog#3 and 4 etc etc. Besides that I will be adding small side videos ,some funny some serious that I have filmed in the past 5 or so months. If you have any question feel free to ask away or just comment and I be happy to reply or just read comments. Old pictures pictures I posted down below in another reply because I was having trouble attaching them here in this first post of mine , I apologise for separating them. I also will add a couple current pictures down below as well. My direct link to my YouTube channel https://m.youtube.com/user/Boosted00 My first YouTube intro vlog about my journey Add me on Instagram to follow me there too. Instagram tommy910_ Email 910lbs@gmail.com Please help me help others get motivated thru my story! Plz SUB like and share , LOVE YOU GUYS ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic repeat and quicker rundown of my story here Basic story then my YouTube links down below.. I was almost 1,000 lbs....and I kept fighting and never giving up. I want to share my near 1000 lb life story and journey of how I kept on fighting and not giving up,EVER ! You must do the same and stay strong ,things will get better .KEEP ON SWIMMING #keeponswimming I would appreciate if you Subscribed to me to help me raise awareness and help motivate others with my on going success story of my weight loss journey. Thank you all. Here is my almost 1000 lb life weigh loss journey ! On December 10, 2015 i checked in to a hospital with a weight of 910 lbs. On my 1st anniversary in there on December 10, 2016 I was down to 475 lbs and counting.... Please check out my YouTube channel and subscribe to follow along. My direct link to my YouTube channel https://m.youtube.com/user/Boosted00 My first YouTube intro vlog about my journey Sent from my Pixel XL using the BariatricPal App [/url]