I had my surgery over six years ago, but the resources I utilized are all still relevant for anyone having WLS today. The only exception is probably how I chose my surgeon. At the time, VSG was still considered experimental in the US and my insurance would not cover it. My daughter is a gastroenterologist and did not want me to get a Lapband or bypass because of the complications she sees. As an RN myself, I wasn't too keen on either of those procedures, either. She consulted with colleagues in the bariatric community and they recommended VSG with Dr. Ariel Ortiz in TJ. Made for an easy decision, was a great experience and I had an easy, pain free recovery.
After surgery, my main support came through emails with my surgeon, my daughter, my friends, husband, local bariatric support groups and a therapist. I was the only VSG patient in the support groups for a long time, but for the most part the struggles are the same no matter what surgery you have. My friends and DH helped smooth the way and My therapist was instrumental in my long term success since most obesity issues are psychological, not physical.
i saw my therapist for about 3 years and attended group support for 5+ years. Due to personality incompatibilities within the group I quit attending and turned to online forums like this one only recently. Glad I had "real life" support when I was a newbie, but the online community provides me a rather interesting touchstone to the bariatric world at this point.