Hey Hey Everyone!
Next Tuesday, February 14th, is Valentine's Day, and The Backstage Pass Radio Program is on at NOON, PST and we've decided to do something a little different that day: we've decided to use the hour to air YOUR stories and dedications of love! Do you want us to tell YOUR WLS story of love? Do you have a dedication that you want us to read on-air? Do you have an inspirational story of love that people should hear? Have an anniversary? (My parents are celebrating their 48th anniversary!) We want to hear about, and we'll talk about it on-air!
Feel free to leave the details here in the comments (if you feel comfortable), send me a private message, or email me at info@divataunia.com. If you like to send pictures to accompany your story, we can also upload those to the radio show page slideshow as well.
Note: your story doesn't necessarily have to be WLS-related. We're happy to celebrate anyone and everyone's story of love!
We'll also be doing some giveaways next week during the show as well. We hope you'll join us for a great Valentine's Day! <3