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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point


    Hey there! I'm a 24 years-old Brazilian girl and I'm obese. I'm here to try changing this last part of my self-definition. It's interesting how it is impossible to define yourself properly. What are the characteristics that make me who I am? Will losing weight redefine how I see myself or who I think I am? When I was 7, I started having psychiatric issues, such as depression and food addiction, which triggered my weighting problems. Other few psychiatric diagnoses joined this list in the following years, trapping me in a cycle of psychological and physical problems. I have never been able to dissociate mental and physical health in my life. When ever I had a change in one of this parts of life, the other would follow. Next month I am undergoing a Sleeve Gastrectomy. My aim is to lose weight and brake this cycle (and keep I broken). I know it won't be easy, but if it was easy, we wouldn't need such a drastic action, right? It's blog is just so I can express myself and organize (or not) my thoughts. Warning: You might find some posts in Brazilian Portuguese throughout the blog, sorry if you can't understand it, I will probably be too pissed of to write in any other language. Well, feel free to invade my mind.
  2. 1 point

    Firt mini goal reached!

    I am now 7 weeks 2 days postop. Before surgery I had a mini goal in mind: I wanted to lose the weight of my granddaughter. At the time she weighed 45 pounds (she's 6). I did not give myself a time limit because,, frankly, I was not sure how fast or slow the weight would come off this time. After the dreaded "three week stall," which, appropriately, lasted almost 3 weeks, I was not sure I would EVER reach this goal. I was wrong. I am now 45 pounds down. WOOT! Unfortunately, my granddaughter hit a growth spurt these past few months and she now weighs 49 pounds. Still, MY goal has been reached. I expect to lose another 4 pounds in the next week or 2 so then I will feel another small victory. Next actual mini goal: I want to weigh less than my husband, who is 220 pounds. I am within 5 pounds of what I weighed when we got married 10 years ago, so YAY! All these NSVs are what is keeping me motivated right now, and that is a wonderful feeling. Success is not always measured by the scale but for those times that it is, I am a happy loser!

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