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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2015 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I did it! When I weighed in on 12/16/14, I crossed the line from 98 lbs to 101 lbs lost! It was only three pounds, however, those three pounds pushed me into the 3-digit realm of weight loss. I was so excited. Now I'm down about 105 lbs. It is just crazy to say it, and I've been telling EVERYONE! People I know, people I don't know... EVERYONE... I'm just so excited about hitting this milestone. As a result of this milestone, I decided to treat myself to a couple new clothes. I walked into Lane Bryant after work that Friday after the weigh-in (yeah, I had to wait until payday)... and said, so, I've lost some weight, and I have no idea what size clothing I am. It was actually FUN trying on clothes for 1.5 hours. To put it in perspective, the shirt I was wearing was a baggy 3x shirt and the pants were a size 22 jeans that I had picked up from good will the beginning of October. The size 22 jeans were so big that I could pull them on and off without undoing the button or zipper. By the end of this trip, I walked out with size 18 trouser jeans, a couple size 14/16 shirts, and a couple 18/20 blouses for work. The idea that I am wearing size 16 or 18 clothing again is mind-blowing. I'm quickly coming to the bottom of the Lane Bryant size ranges, meaning I can start shopping in regular clothing stores again. However, I suspect the next down-sizing I do will be back at good will. I really shouldn't continue purchasing brand new clothing that I can only wear for a couple months. Of course, I may need to go through my clothing again soon. Its been 2 weeks since that shopping trip, and I've lost enough weight that some things are fitting awkwardly. After going through 3-4 outfits the other day, I kind of missed the thing I was trying to dress for. I decided, instead, to tend to my closet. I pulled out all of the clothing I purchased at last year's end-of-year clearance from lane bryant, and found that nothing fits me, at all. Some of the stuff still has its tags, even. So, I started going through older clothing, which all ended up in that pile too. I have a huge stack of clothing to hand off to goodwill the next time I go in. I only have 2-3 pair of dress slacks to wear to work and some blouses (old and new). I would much rather have this problem than going the other way, but some days it isn't as easy as others to wrap my head around this. I'm down over 100 lbs, which is unbelievable to me. If its this amazing at 100 lbs, what will it be like when I attain my goal and have lost over 200 lbs????? I can't even fathom that. Of course, having lost over 100 lbs, I am noticing extra skin, which I have no idea how to handle, other than wearing compression clothes and/or always making sure I have a second layer of clothing other to help mitigate the jiggle. There is no way of knowing how bad the skin will be until I get to that bridge. I've started watching Vlogs for people who have lost a bit of weight and are going through the skin removal process. I'm a little nervous about that part... but I know it will probably be a year before I'm there. Some posts I've seen say that women should target body fat % of 17-20 before even considering skin removal surgery. Seeing as I'm still at body fat of 47%, it will be a while. For the record, I'm ready to be at that point, I'm so ready to be past this current phase/stage of the journey... however, I was never given a FF button, so, I have to live through the next 6-12 months while I continue losing weight. It is kind of fun to think that soon I will be approaching the same size as my younger sister, who has always been much smaller than me. While she was in high school, she swam and did equestrian, and wore a size 4. She is currently wearing size 12-14 clothing. Anyone else working to wrap their head around their new/ever changing body? I would love to hear from others about this.
  2. 1 point
    So, I am back on the site for the first time since my bypass surgery back in July 2014. I never realized how much I actually need the support of others who have had weight loss surgery. I thought that having my mother around would be a great support system. Even though the therapist, in the pre-op therapy session, told me that she believed my mother sabotages my weight loss goals. When I said that carbs like potato chips and bread are my down fall, she started bring chips into the house 2 bags at a time, buying 10lb bags of potatos and started buying bread again ALL the time. I realize that it is my choice to eat the stuff but it has been hard to resist in the past two weeks. I have more support from my coworkers than I do her, which is amazing to me. One thing that I have learned is that I can no longer let her be the only person in the house who cooks. I have to take control of my kitchen and make sure that I have more healthy than not food in my pantry. If I hear her say, "Healthy food costs too much" one more time, I am going to SCREAM!!! Of COURSE healthy food costs more, but if she is not paying for it then why is she complaining. Anyway... That is what prompted me to come back to the site. I need support and to see some reminders that weight loss success can be attainable. I had slowed down my weight loss because I did not want it to go too fast and I end up looking like some kind of bobble head. That has happened to a lot of people. I also do not want to start looking too old. Hmmm...vain much? I suppose so. But, hey, I am being honest.
  3. 1 point

    Wrapping my head around 100 lbs

    Sometimes it is nice to buy something new and fabulous - I got this Kensie dress that makes me so happy. Enjoy it while you can and move on. But yeah, I get what you mean. Normally everything I get is from Ross or the clearance rack (Like, $95 pants for $16 clearance). Or basics from Old Navy. Congrats on crossing the century mark in weight lost!
  4. 1 point
    It feels weird being back here again. Last time I was here I was post-op. Desperately reading every scrap of info I could get on WLS. It feels crazy to say it has been 5 months since I had my surgery. It feels like just yesterday that I was on the top floor of a hospital looking out the window at the world and daydreaming about how I was going to conquer it. Since that time, I have accomplished so much. I've finished my first semester of college, dropped around 80lbs and 6 pants sizes, made new friends, straightened my hair, and next Monday I am fulfilling one of my long-time dreams to visit California (San Diego to be exact). I feel like so much is now possible for me. I feel like I can date if I want to and find a decent guy, I can sign up for a 5k and know I'll do fine. I can be exactly who I want and say what I think without apologizing for it. At the same time, I'll never stop being a fat girl. That's who am I at heart and it's someone to be proud of. I am different from most people. Now my weight loss is slowing down and I'm currently in a stall it's kind of nerve-wracking I sometimes feel like I'll wake up tomorrow and the scale will read 289 again. That fear always gnaws at the back of my mind. I need to come back here from time to time as to not forget how desperate I was, and how much having the sleeve means to me. It's truly a blessing, a lifesaver, but it can't walk for me it's only a crutch. I still need to take the steps, especially now so that self-control has become part of the equation again 5 months out.
  5. 1 point

    Wrapping my head around 100 lbs

    WOW Congratulations & well done! Can't wait until I can say that!
  6. 1 point
    Mark in Ohio


    From the album: Mark in Ohio

  7. 1 point
    Trace Lynne

    Returning for Support and Reminders

    I am sorry to hear that your mom is working to help sabotage your progress. It definitely is not easy to do, and having someone who is trying to hold you back like that must be really discouraging. I'm here, anytime you need to chat.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point

    June 2014, 15 lbs to go

    From the album: Before and During

  10. 1 point


    From the album: Mary V.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
