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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Short and Chunky

    One Week Later

    One week ago tonight, all hell broke loose with my band. I was in pain, vomiting blood, dehydrating and wondering what in the world was going on. Within 24 hours, I was in an ambulance, ER, admitted, taken to surgery and lapband removed. Wow, that was quick. I am now in recovering mode. I can eat once again. I am being very careful about what I eat and making sure I write everything down to remind myself what I ate. When I came home, I weighed and I was up 9 pounds - are you kidding me - 9 pounds - no food or water in over 48 hours and I GAINED 9 pounds - well yep!!!. Today, 7 of the 9 is gone and my weight is heading south fast. Amazing, when you are on liquids how fast you loose !! HAHA. I see the doctor for a followup next Thursday and I must say I am looking forward to the visit. My biggest question is "Now what?" I have plication but what happens with those little stitches start to pull loose, stomach leaks or scar tissue forms there? What are the symptoms that issues are starting there? I am really scared to see if the "other shoe" will fall next. I would feel more comfy if this was turned into a sleeve but I am not sure that is an option (I really don't weight enough for more WLS) and I don't know if my insurance will pay for it. One question leads to another and another. I am making my list for the doctor as they come to mind. My incisions are painful and my poor belly button YUCK - good thing I am too old for a bikini..LOL. This has been very painful but I am walking it out, resting and trying to put me first (which is something I don't do well). Take care, those of you who are dealing with slippage right now. This is no game. It will land you in surgery ASAP and the band will be history. Know the warning signs - I don't think I had any until it was too late. be good to yourselves. We took this journey together and took this big leap of faith for a reason - to better our health - live longer - and look better doing it...Having a "life event" like I just went through was not part of the deal. I will update again next week and let you know what the new doctor suggests from here. Keep the support coming - This is going to be rough ride and a whole new journey from here. But there is strength in numbers and the WLS community is huge and so supportive - Thank you to you all.. Melinda in Florida
  2. 1 point


    Quick drastic weight loss is a strange experience. Don't get me wrong, I was fully prepared, after all it took over 10 years to finally break down and undergo surgery. After all the research, doctor's visits, and support groups/forums, I was prepared buuuuttt. I'm having trouble moving into the "skinny mindset". I eat like a skinny person, I don't have a choice since 95% of my stomach is gone. I'm becoming active like a skinny person with Fibromyalgia [there's only so much you can do with Fibro]. The problem is clothing. I still see myself as fat and think I should wear larger clothing. That's where having lots of children [young adults] in one's life helps. After being teased for wearing clothing that is too big [even though it is smaller than what I use to wear], I broke down and purchased items for stores I would have never dreamed I could patronize, Express, Old Navy, J C Penny, Victoria's Secret. Everyone thinks I look great but I feel they are too small. Oh well, I guess my self-perception will catch up with the physical as time goes by.
  3. 1 point
    As May gets under way, I realize it is a month of nurturing [Mother’s day], appreciation [National Police Memorial Week], and advocacy [international Fibromyalgia/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Gulf War Syndrome/ Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome Awareness Day]. My Fibromyalgia has been flaring big time but I've been busy building awareness of the special needs of people with Fibromyalgia who have had weight loss surgery. For one, we cannot take out pain medication the way we did pre-op. I testified at the FDA Public Meeting on Patient Focused Fibromyalgia Drug Development and spoke about my experiences as a post-op patient. After the meeting I posted all the questions which the FDA needs community responses online [Click here for questions]. If you are a WLS patient with Fibromyalgia, please take a moment, click on the link above and copy and paste these questions to a word document, answer them and then go to http://www.regulatio...013-N-1041-0004 and paste your answers as comments onto the FDA docket. The comment now button is in the upper right corner of the FDA’s page. The comment period closes on May 26, 2014. The FDA really needs to know that there is a subgroup of people with Fibromyalgia who need their medication in chewable, dissolvable or liquid forms.

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