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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2014 in Blog Entries

  1. 1 point
    Short and Chunky


    Well what a difference 24 hours makes. As I wrote my last entry I was in pain and feeling bad..that night the pain got worse. The vomiting of blood began and that night was one of the longest I can remember. On Friday, I went to work, yep, I went to work. I carried a small trash can in the car and threw up all the way there. I know, I am an idiot..I knew what I had to get done, then take care of myself. I had called the doctor at 2am and he said to be at his Jax office at 6:30am. I was there. He did a flouroscope and said my band had slipped. He told me to come back at 3pm and let him look at it again. If the stomach went down and back through I would be OK, otherwise...well we would talk about it then. I drove back to work (only a couple of miles) and laid down on my office floor. One hour later, I knew I was in trouble. I drove back to his office (I still don't know how I did that). He took one look and off to the ER I went. Upon my arrival at the ER I proceeded to vomit blood on their floor and almost faint. They started an IV and told me that I was going to have to have emergency surgery but at their hospital on the other side of town. They called an ambulance and my family arrived - I was taken to St. Vincents Hospital Riverside. I was a direct admit. They took Xrays and a CT scan. I met the surgeon and gave his the photos from my doctor. He said he need to stablize me but surgery was going to happen. At 11pm, they wheeled me into surgery. Before I knew it, my 3 year buddy band was gone and I was back in my room. They were able to leave the plication but said that my band had slipped and scar tissue was bad. There was no saving it or putting in another one. He further explained that the scar tissue was so bad that I would feel like my band is still there for a long time and the plication was good and should be all I need to not only maintain what I have lost but to loose the other 30 pounds I want to loose. I sure hope he is right. As I write this, I am home (less than 24 hours in the hospital) and I am so sore..OMG, it didn't hurt like this the first time. I am on a liquids diet and some soft foods. Not really hungry but head hungry (you guys understand that). I am very nervous. I now have a new doctor (local) and someone who will take my journey from here. Gastric Plication is what they call my WLS now..Some say it is good, some not so much..I guess since it is all I have, it will have to do. I pray I don't find that size 22W again. Depression is trying to creep in just a bit but I am fighting that. The pain meds don't work and I feel like crap. But this too shall pass. My stomach is making sounds like "what the hell is going on" and I am sore all over. Fortunately, I am off work next week anyway, so I will have a chance to take care of myself and heal. I am supposed to walk and drink lots of water. What caused my slippage???who knows. The new doctor said that sometimes stuff like that happens but the scar tissue played a big part in it and it would not have healed on it's own. The vomiting of black blood, cramps and pain were the worst I have had since I gave birth to my kids....Please take care of yourselves and don't be foolish like me - get help right away. In retrospect, I should have gone to the hospital Thursday night (our anniversary) but I was stubborn..I could have died. My husband wanted me to go to the hospital that night, but where...when my doctor moved to WPB it upset my applecart and I did not feel secure from that point on. With a new doctor I will now have to build a new relationship but at least he is in Jacksonville. Will I have issues with the plication in the future? I don't know, I guess that is something the new doctor and I will discuss when I see him at his office in a couple of weeks. I do know that I will be going back to Weight Watchers for support as I feel like I am out on a limb all by myself. Take care my band friends and to my plication friends let me know how things are working out for you. I really appreciate this sight and all it has to offer, even if NO ONE reads my blog, I feel refreshed and glad I got it off my chest (so to speak). Have a wonderful Sunday and be good to yourselves. Melinda in Florida
  2. 1 point

    Dangers _ Please Read

    Hi All, I just want Everyone to know HOW EXTREMLY IMPORTANT it is to keep in contact with your doctors and support team. I have to admit I did not do this and it has cause me to deal with a Life or Death Situatuation in which could of possibly been avoided if I didn't let my Self Loath of failure get to me. I am recovering from a Small Bowel Obstruction caused by the scar tissue and wrapping and twisting of my intestines around my port and bands. I was rushed to the hospital and was told I was on the verge of dying ( Still can't comprehend the severity ) Well after emergency surgery and I still trying to recover as of today due to many complications. I had to admit to all m surgeons that I did not follow up with my LapBand surgeon as I should of and I have payed the Almost Ultimate price ( Ultimate would of been death) I am on going dealing with infections and more repair surgery. In which this may of all been forseen if I followed up as I should of. I want you to know that you should never ever not go to your follow ups no matter if you feel you failed (as I felt). I just want you all to know that you are important regardless and that not everyone is the same. Please keep your appointents with your doctors and all who help you throughout your life. I happened to learn a very hard lesson , I wish on No One ever. So Please, you are never a failure and these doctors are here to help and please always talk to them. God Bless and Believe in Yourself and I pray No One goes through the pain I am going through, just because I didn't believe in myself and was ashame.
  3. 1 point
    I swear that I see my toilet flinch each time I walk past the bathroom door. And I can hear my toilet give off the pitiful wail of a prisoner being tortured in a Medieval dungeon when I sit on the toilet, "Nooooo, nooooo, I'll tell you what you want to know. Just make it stop!" It all started cause I was worried. I hadn't had a decent poop in over 5 days. What little pebbles did come out of me weren't nearly enough to the amount I had consumed. So I was worried. I went online looking for a good tasting, safe, effective, and not too powerful laxative. After all, I didn't want to be like a cartoon character hanging onto hand rails to keep from launching like a rocket off the toilet. Nor did I want to wait 24 hours or more for it to work and get caught too far from the toilet. So I spent an hour or so reading the reviews on natural health forums and it boiled my choices down to Milk of Magnesia or Epsom Salts. I didn't want to drink the salt, so that left Milk of Magnesia. To the Batbuick! I didn't have a secret shaft to slide down, so I had to take the stairs. Na na na na, na na na na. Our hero finds himself standing in Walmart, debating the merits of original flavor or cherry. I chose cherry hoping it would be the least disgusting of the two flavors. My only weakness, bad flavors. I can stop bullets (well, once anyway) but I can't handle the yucky taste of medicine. I made my purchase and raced back to my secret bunker. A detailed analyzation of a sample (I read the label) told me the chemical components of Milk of Magnesia is composed of Magnesium Hydroxide. The instructions said to drink at least 8 oz. per tablespoon taken. I had my trusty Batmug handy, loaded with 30 oz. of Crystal Light lemonade. The adult dosage was 3 to 4 tablespoons for constipation. So of course I took 4. It also said that it was suppose to work within 5 hours. But others had said expect immediate action and not to wander too far from the toilet. So I was prepared to stay around the house for the next 5 or so hours. The taste wasn't quite as bad as the barium the hospital gave me for the leak test, but it was pretty disgusting. 1/2 hour later, nothing. And there I sat, broken hearted, paid 4 bucks and only farted. More or less an hour later I felt the 1st rumblings. 1/2 hour later, time to RELEASE THE KRACKEN! So all in all, it was a smooth move. So smooth in fact that I was worried it was another failure to launch. But when I looked behind me, it was everything I had dreamed a poo could be. Call Guinness, it was a monster. I could fight crime with a poo this big. I'm still working on my superhero name. Captain Poo, Pinch e Loaf a, Sir Bag of Crap, The Brown Stain, Skid Mark, The Brown Eye? Suggestions are welcomed. Alls well that ends well, sort of. I overdosed a little (should have stuck with 2 or 3 tablespoons instead of 4) and everything I ate for the rest of the day passed through my system rapidly. Every 4 or 5 hours, I'd get the urge. Not - EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! - kinda urge, just the sense that I needed to get to the bathroom soon. And I kept drinking as much Crystal Light as I could. Milk of Magnesia's main ingredient pulls water into the intestines and I didn't want to get dehydrated. So if you need to go, as I did, Milk of Magnesia gets a big thumbs up from me. My colon is so clean you could eat off it or fight crime with it, your choice. Just get your own superhero name. Comments and suggestions are welcome. I'm trying to improve my writing. If you liked this post or hated it, please leave a comment.

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