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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2014 in Blog Entries

  1. 1 point

    YouTube...You Rant

    Last night I got the wild idea that I would look up Lab Band Vlogs on YouTube. Big MISTAKE. HUGE! The first 20 or so results were all negative. The first lady I watched to understand why she hated the Lap Band and seemed to make it her personal mission in life to discourage the world from this evil thing called the lap band. As I listened I heard excuse after excuse as to why her band failed. She said she threw up everyday and that nobody told her about PB's. Then she went on to say later that she never got restriction and could eat a plate full of food. Two things. 1)If you over eat you are going to get sick.2) If you're having PB's you have some sort of restriction. She talked about never having restriction again, then told a story of how she almost died (rolling eyes) because she was over filled and couldn't swallow her own saliva. Ok... so we can all conclude she had restriction. She also confesses she's a binge eater. Another red flag. You have to commit to eating smaller portions and having the will power to stop eating when you're full. In my most humble newbie opinion this lady was either not educated on how the Lap Band works, and if that's the case shame on her surgeon, or she just thought it was going to fix all her eating issues. She also kept using air quotations when she said the Lap Band was a "tool". She said she hated when people said that. MY GOD WOMANIT IS A TOOL. NOT A MIRACLE CURE! I was so sad to see all the comments of gratitude for her being so brave to post such an honest video. Uhm... that was not an honest video that was an angry woman who failed to follow band 101 rules. It actually made me angry. I considered the video an EPIC FAIL. She made broad sweeping generalizations saying that the only people that the band works for were people who replaced one vice for another. She used the example of transference of food binging for exercise. They just swapped one for the other. I have to say that I realize that there are risk of complications with the band and that it doesn't work for everyone. But, from what I've read most of the time if people are truly honest they failed the band the band didn't fail them. AND... If you're band isn't working talk to your doctor be persistent there could be something mechanically wrong with your band... but you have to be diligent in taking care of your band. It's high maintenance, but I have to tell you, knowing that every month I have to go in and see my Dr. and be accountable for my weight loss and how I've been treating my band makes me mind my P's and Q's. I've been stuck at 230 for two weeks...but... I've lost another jeans size so my body is losing inches. I love my band. If I was brave enough I would start my own Vlog on YouTube. Just a side note. I always here the soup Nazi's voice in my head from Seinfeld when I want something I shouldn't have. He says, "No cookies or cupcakes for you!". Happy Hump Day, Ya'll!
  2. 1 point
    7 1/2 weeks post op, and I'm at the point where I'm trying different foods here & there to see what my tummy can handle, and determine what will work. This weekend, I did some research & was determined to find things that would be healthier for me. I seem to eat eggs, in some form or another, more often than I'd like. While I try to have egg whites instead of regular eggs whenever possible, it still gets old. Plus, I worry about my cholesterol getting high as a result. While grocery shopping this weekend, I noticed that Dannon Lite Greek yogurts had a few new flavors so I bought a few in hopes of giving those a whirl for breakfast on their own, or adding them to protein drinks so I can get my protein requirement up (something I still seem to struggle with). I also found a greek yogurt with strawberry preserves and chia seeds that had 17 grams of protein. I ate 1/2 of it today, but did have to add splenda because the yogurt was a bit... IDK, tart tasting I guess. I also went ahead & bought several different flavors of Quest protein bars. I think they have about 21 grams of protein. Another way to hopefully get my protein up. We also went to Trader Joe's to see what all the hoopla was about since opening their stores in CO. I have to say, it's OK, nothing really impressive overall. However, with that said, I found something called spinach & kale balls. A serving of four balls (yes, I thought that sounded funny too, LOL), has about 6 grams of protein & about 140 calories. I thought it was tasty, and made a good snack. My 3 month blood work is scheduled in the next month, and I have to admit I'm a little anxious about what the results will say. My concern is that I'm not getting enough protein, and that, while I'm at a healthier weight, and feel better than I did with my extra 100+ pounds, my health isn't as optimal as it should be. No regrets on having WLS, but I must say weight loss is a never-ending challenge. I need to work smarter, not harder.
  3. 1 point

    Drugs and Walking

    So as it turned out the prescription drugs I was prescribed for pain were absolutely useless. I didn't sleep for nearly 48 hours and had tons of anxiety and quite a bit of pain. After talking to the Doctor and the nurse I went to liquid children's tylenol. I had reservations about this working, but in face, it does. I doubled the dose as told to and it works. I'm now trying to take less of it. I have since spoken to others who have had the same problem. Once I started the tylenol I was able to sleep with ease. I'm now able to spend a least a small portion of time on my sides which I couldn't tolerate at first. Yesterday I was out and decided to push myself to walk the full 30 minutes. I was so pleased with myself when I finished and really it wasn't all that bad. Today I'll repeat that. I have a dog that loves to walk, and this week I'm dog sitting another dog. I'm trying to up my protein by continuing with the shakes and chicken broth. Rhodywoman sent me information on a book called "The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook" I recommend the book too. I'm interested in discovering the psychology of binge eating and compulsive overeating and why I have lived with those for so long. It's a beautiful bright sunny cold day here in Ontario. I wish you all happiness today.

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