The hardest part of all of this is temptation. Once you can overcome temptation it gets significantly easier. We are all big for some reason or another, and we didnt get here by making great food choices. You have to learn to reset your mind. And it doesnt happen overnight. For some people surgery put their mind straight and they haven't deviated. Good for them , but that doesnt happen to all of us. Don't get discouraged.
I way I am learning to think of food is
1) why am I eating this? (hunger, boredom,ect)
2) what is the food giving my body? (Protien, vitamins, ect)
3) could I make a better choice
4) Will I feel guilty afterwards and is it worth it? (some times the answer is yes. For example I ate a cupcake, it was delicious, I am under my calorie count, and I only ate 1. Do I feel guilty. NOPE)
Your body is still healing dont focus on weight. You should focus on getting your mind right and letting your body heal. Weight loss will come