It takes some getting used to but considering the chance of NEVER waking up because your heart gives out in the middle of an apnea....I will take the mask. I use what are called nasal pillows on my CPAP so I don't have that huge mask just a chin strap and a strap that goes over the top and back of my head. As for "drowning" most CPAPs have settings for how much moisture it uses and puts into the "air" it sends into your nose....when I got mine, my whole face and pillow got wet....I learned really fast how to turn the moisture down....I can even go several days without the water chamber....but eventually the inside of my noise gets sore so I have to use it at least once in a while. I have found I cannot even take a nap or doze off without it now because I am so used to it. So Belladona, you might want to would not have it if you did not have sleep apnea and the chance of NOT waking as the others said you never realize how much your sleep is interrupted until you actually sleep well due to your CPAP/BiPAP, and wake up feeling so much better and more rested. Good luck with your decision though. :-)