Hang in there, Samica - you've got this! Just don't let it overwhelm you. You need to lose 2 lbs in the next 11 days. That's your first goal, and it's very short term, but also very doable. KimMarh suggested a liquid diet for a week. That would almost certainly take care of the 2 lbs, and more, but if that seems overwhelming, maybe think about doing protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, then a sensible dinner. You've already cut the carbs, it sounds like, so a lean protein and some healthy veggies would do the trick. Drink lots of water. Try and get 30 minutes of walking in each day, if you aren't doing so already. I'll bet that you could even manage to do the sensible dinner at a restaurant if you put your mind to it, right? Order grilled meats/poultry/fish, no sauce or at the least sauce on the side so you can control it. Ask for your veggies to be prepared without butter. Hey, it's just a little more than a week, right? Easy-peasy.
Once that is done, think about what you need to do to get the other 10 lbs off. You'll have 3 months to do that. That's less than a pound a month. Focus on one week at a time. I'll bet if you try, you could even manage more than 10 lbs before July 9! Keep us posted - we'll be your cheerleaders