No, you are not nuts. Don't discount your feelings and you are indeed breaking up with food, but trust me, you will learn that food is NOT your best friend. It is your crutch maybe, but certainly not your best friend. It's what got you to this point, it's what got all of us to this point.. friends don't do that. It's like the old friends don't let friends drive drunk.. LOL (well, I tried! ) Let your husband be supportive as he knows how, you will find if he's supportive now, he will probably be even more so afterwards. Mourn food, it's ok to do that and start a new kind of relationship with it... Accept his support the way he is offering it, it sounds like he's trying. He probably doesn't know exactly what you are going through, how could he? He's not in your shoes..My husband has always been thin too and never struggled with is weight... BUT he saw me struggle, he saw me cry, he saw me hate myself and go up and down for years.... he shared that pain with me and he was there to hold me and remind me that he loves me for me too during those times. That was support!
I was sleved 11/15 and I was very scared, but I'm doing great and I am glad I did it. Hopefully you will too. Feel free to reach out anytime for support, there is a lot of support here that was given to me and I'm happy to give it to you as well!
Hang in there!! You are not alone, we are all in this together and understand!