Thank you guys!!
Well a typical day for me is wake up at 6 am have my coffee (black with 2 tsp of reg sugar cause artificial sweeteners trigger my migraines) then around 9:30 i have my shake (which is blended with half banana and some miralax for well u know haha) then around 12:30 i have a light lunch which usually consist of tuna, cottage cheese, salad, shredded chicken , etc but no more than 1 cup. (i can hardly consume a cup)
and i usually snack a lot like sugar snap peas, zero carb pork rines (high in protein), cucumber w lime salt olive oil and chilli pepper (pretty deelich) and at dinner i'll either have another protein shake or a cup of some kind of protein. I've realized as long as my intake of protein is above 50 grams i hardly get hungry.
I am sooo freaking happy i decided to make this change in my life! wish you all of you the BEST!! <3