The liquid diet is really the worst of it. The reason I say that is because after the surgery, you don't have the hunger. I also was freezing cold the entire time I was on liquids only, then bam, the surgery, and my body has had no problems regulating temp. It is strange going out to eat with family and friends and not feeling hunger, I enjoy the smells, and I do my part to 'eat' the people I'm with have more concern for my lack of eating than I do. I have even had a few waitresses ask if I didn't like my food and wanted it recooked or wanted to order something else. I do Mortgages, so business lunches and entertaining is a huge part of what I do, especially as the holidays are here. I went to a Holiday party right before my surgery, and gleefully filled up a plate in the buffet line just to seem 'normal' and then switched out my full plate for my husbands empty one as we ate, no one seemed to notice or mind much. I have told veery few people, and I am happy with my choice. Some people notice the weight loss already, and some don't. I think that the Holidays is a great time to go through this, that way in the New Year as people notice my weight loss more, or if people comment I'm not eating, I can always tell them I'm sticking to a strict New Years diet I wish both of you ladies luck, and don't feel sad about not eating, just having your family with you means more to them than you eating with them, I assure you. Congrats on making the decision to have WLS, and make a change for the rest of your life!