I dont know how far out you are but this seems normal to me,happened to me as well.I've often wished I was one of these people that now feels no hunger and forgets to eat and complain that they dont get enough cals..blablabla...lol
But at 7 monyhs out I have made peace with it.I still buy a big tasty burger once in a blue moon,sit down with it,take a big bite of the burger,try a little of the bun,just to have it come right back up in my mouth and have to spit it out..TMI,I know, but I somehow dont feel the frustration of not being able to eat it anymore.I just go and make a protein pancake with lots of sf syrup and Im happy.
It will come,you'll see.Some of us have real food issues that takes a little longer to resolve.Also the closer I get to goal,the better I feel about not eating a lot anymore.
Just hang in there.Make your food choice daily.Dont decide for forever today.Just choose every day to choose to eat right for this one day,dont know if this makes sense but good luck and remember to be nice to yourself with things oer than food.