If "the boys" really NEED potato chips, could they not eat those necessary potato chips somewhere besides your home? If I keep stuff like that in the house, it's way too easy to eat it. But if it's truly essential to have potato chips in the house, go ahead and eat them...but do it this way:
1. Read the nutrition stats on the package. If one serving is 13 chips, count out 13 chips, put them on a small plate or bowl. Then close the bag and put it away where you can't see it.
2. Take the plate or bowl of chips to the dining table.
3. Sit down at the table, all by yourself with the chips. No computer, no TV, no magazine, no radio, no distractions.
4. Eat the chips one at a time, concentrating on their texture and flavor, so you get the maximum enjoyment out of them.
5. When the chips are gone, put the empty plate in the sink or dishwasher.
6. Go back to doing whatever you were doing before the potato chip attack hit you.
The point of all that is to put you in control of the food, instead of the food in control of you.