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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Starting Day 6 of liquid diet. It's not easy; but I've been fairly active and not cheating, so that 800 calorie limit is making the weight fall off. I've lost almost 10 pounds since Monday! Seeing those results makes it a little easier. I can remember losing a few pound in past and then justifying something I shouldn't eat and undoing most of my hard work. I pray I never again adopt that mindset.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Hello All. Well, my weight loss is slowing down. However, I still feel like I'm losing and my clothes feel like I'm losing. I'm working out daily. Not eating much. I have to get back to the basic of eating protein first and then veg and fruit. I really think my body is just adjusting and trying to hold on to weight. Other than the lb numbers, I am down from a size 20, often times it was a 22, now to a solid size 14 jean!!! Pretty darn awesome, I think! I still have over 50lbs to get to my idea weight of 145 or 150. It's crazy to think of what I will look like at that weight as I am loving how I look now and how i feel. One Love.
  4. 1 point

    Tiffany Next Journey

    Yesterday was the start of a new journey for me. A client/gastric bypass paitent asked...." When do you stop being a patient and start being a normal person again?" My first answer is that you are always a patient. From a Dr point of view that may be correct. There are many out there that either the band does not take in thier body or eventually some need to have it taken out. I hold a stand so that thes people may have some support to make sure they need no other surgeries, My Life Is My Message. I no longer hold any liquid inside my band, making my stomech normal again. My goal is to maintain my wieght, Concur any new stuggels with this journey. If this can help one person out there, Its worth every step. A great thanks to all of the supportive people out there. Remember One Step At A Time! Be patient with your self. Most of all LOVE YOU! BE YOU! Tiffany C
  5. 1 point
    When I started my WLS journey, I never expected to be a blogger. If you would have told me three months ago that I would be typing out my weight loss funny moments....and some not so funny moments, I would have told you that I thought you had lost your mind. Well, I would have been wrong. The other day I checked to see how many visits I have had and I was shocked to see that in only three months, you all have read my blog 10,000 times. DANG.....that's a lot of reading. Thank you so much for the support, and I hope I can continue to make you laugh and smile throughout our journeys together. I finally understand why Sally Fields said, "You like me. You really like me." It wasn't ego....it was pure shock. Ok, now that I got done with all the sappy stuff. Stay tuned as I plan to write about my exploits from the past few days. I will explain that getting drunk isn't anything like it used to be....and I still have the ability to fall for no reason. Can't wait to write about my 20th H.S. reunion and let you all know how great it felt to be around the same size I was in H.S. So many stories....so little time. Stay tuned.
  6. 1 point

    Month 11 Weight Loss Added!

    SW 242 Height 4'11'' 6 month Pre-op loss (-28.6) Surgery date 8/8/11 213.4 1 month - 194.2 (- 19.2) 2 months - 180 (- 14.2) 3 months - 170.2 (- 9.8) 4 months - 164.4 (- 5.8) 5 months - 167.2 (+ 2.8) 6 months - 162.4 (-4.8) 7 months - 155.4 (-7) 8 months - 149.6 (-5.8) 9 months - 143.4 (-6.2) 10 months - 139 (-4.4) 11 months - 132.6 (-6.4)
  7. 1 point

    Five Weeks In, Life And Losing

    Very best of luck to you. I have my surgery on Monday and am excited and nervous. It is so helpful to read this entry and hear about progress of someone just a few weeks down the road. Keep up the good work.
  8. 1 point

    Being Sleeved In 3 Days!

    One thing I highly recommend...after surgery when you have to cough, if you have to cough, hold a pillow to and into your tummy. It helps tremendously! A heating pad was soooo very wonderful for me. The one thing I recommend...a POSITIVE attitude! Makes a world of difference. Some people don't have pain, but...most do and just expect it. Check out my blog if you want to read about my experiences. YEAH! Very happy for you. Your life is going to change...make it a positive, healthy life change. It is up to you. Congratulations and I can't wait to read your future posts. One Love.
  9. 1 point

    Being Sleeved In 3 Days!

    3 days!? Me too!! I have heard heating pad & lip balm are two biggies! Good luck and congrats!!!
  10. 1 point

    Fat Slob

    Don't do it. Move away from the cake. It is not your friend! That being said.....That is one of the worst things you could say to a person. You should've told her, you would rather be overweight than have a black heart. Telling you to ignore her would be impossible but, don't let it rule you or your decisions. I am so sorry, you have to deal with someone like that.

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