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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2012 in Blog Entries

  1. 3 points

    4Th Week Post-Op

    4th week post-op visit went well, my weight was 235 lbs, heaviest at 269 lbs. So far I have lost 16 lbs since surgery and a total of 34 lbs from my first pre-op visit. I'm finally feeling less nauseated, have begun eating soft foods, am walking each day and am infection free. Emotions are up and down, but more up than down compared to the firs 3 weeks so that's progress I'll take. The best thing that happened was finding out my jeans were loose and wearing a shirt that didn't fit last month!
  2. 3 points

    All Smiles

    School is out.... summer time is just wonderful. love the kiddos but I so needed a break. I decided to do a little cleaning. As I sorted through some of my clothes, I noticed that most of them were too big. So what's a girl to do? What else is there but to shop!!! I went into the store to try on a few things and WOW... A size 14 regular pant suit... It fit perfectly even the jacket... Although I have only lost 25 pounds the inches are really melthing away... I am thanking and praising God for the little things!!!
  3. 1 point

    3-Month Checkup

    Got all my blood work done and the nurse says I'm doing AWESOME! Incredible weight loss, all my vitamins are good, protein levels are good, no deficiencies at all. In fact, my protein is so good that I can eliminate one of the protein shakes. Thank god for that. I'm actually getting sick of them. The only thing I need to work on is getting my good cholesterol up (it's a tad low). That prompted a discussion on good oils. I use olive oil for everything because it's supposed to be so healthy. She said NO! That's just marketing. I should be using canola oil. Color me surprised! So I'll make that switch and see if it helps bring my good cholesterol up. So in 3.5 months, I'm down 74 pounds and I've gone from a 26/28 to a 14/16...and I was able to do it without destroying my health. Holy crap! I never thought this would be possible. Best. Decision. EVER!
  4. 1 point

    Something To Make You Laugh

    After my past few posts, I had to post these. Hope you get a laugh from them like I did.
  5. 1 point

    Up Date

    It has been a while since i was on here last.. I would like to just give an update on my progress. Have my surgery 10-31-11 and as of today i have lost 79lbs. Putting my down to 176lbs. My goals is 145lbs to 140lbs. So i really hope to be there by my one year mark. This was the best thing i could have done for my self i would never take it back..
  6. 1 point
    One week ago today I woke up from surgery with my new gogo gadget tummy in me and haven't regretted it one itty bitty bit. I am so excited for the success this is going to bring me and I'm so excited for every story I read here on the VSG forums, knowing that everyone here will finally get the weight loss success we have all longed for most of our lives. We're finally going to be "normal". I can't wait until the day comes where I don't find myself looking around a room wondering if I'm the heaviest in it (and usually I am). It will be fantastic not to walk into a place and hope the seats aren't too small to sit in and the sheer embarrassment that is felt when you sit in a seat that you are not only crammed into, but have to worry about how to wedge your way gracefully out of it in front of a room full of people who will stare and judge you if you stand up and any part of that chair stands up with you. Those days will be gone!!! I've noticed during my first week of full liquids that I have found myself wondering if I'm doing something wrong, because I have not felt stuffed at all by anything I've consumed. I've not felt hungry and when I start to, it's usually time for a meal or snack. I think it dawned on me shortly before I started writing this entry what exactly what happening - I was eating normal. Normal people don't eat until they are stuffed every meal - they don't fill a plate and eat it until it's gone - they eat until they are full and put the rest away. I didn't feel stuffed, because hello!!!! this is what satisfied felt like. How the heck did I get this long and not know what that felt like? Here I thought I was doing something wrong and doubting I was doing it right, just because my tummy wasn't begging for mercy. Wow, the mentality I let myself get into. I am however and oh so thankfully happy to say, I am on the last night of my full liquid diet - tomorrow is soft foods!!! I've done fairly well on the full liquids as my doctor allowed a fair bit of goodies that helped me get through the week. I've had to consume 3 protein shakes a day (ugh, so tired of those after 3 weeks), but I could also have 2 snacks a day consisting of SF jello, SF pudding, SF popsicles, instant mashed potatoes, 98% FF cream soups, Cream of Wheat (tried it, don't recommend it for a few weeks ... the sleeve did NOT approve), Oatmeal and yeah, that's pretty much it. It wasn't horrible since I had 3 shakes and 2 snacks a day. I did find that I enjoyed combining 98% FF Cream of Chicken Soup with the instant mashed potatoes for a potato/gravy feel and I think it helped the potatoes go down easier and gave me some flavor. So, farewell my faithful full liquids - you were good to me, but it's time we part ways. It's on to softer and mushier foods for me! I've scoured the interwebs for various ideas and recipes for mushy stages and have found a fair bit that I think will keep me somewhat entertained for the next phase which will last me 2 weeks. Wow, only 2 more weeks and I'm back to solid foods.
  7. 1 point
    I had my sleep study last night. It went pretty well. I fell asleep around midnight and woke at 8:30. I don't remember any dreams I had but do remember waking about 4 times. Once was for the technician to come in and reattach a lead that feel off from my head. I have very long ( to my butt) wavy hair and he's peering around my head with a flash light pulling and tugging my hair to find that one lead. Now, anyone that knows me knows I love to joke around and make comments... so... me and my big mouth said "You 're pulling my hair and i'm not even having any fun". I'll blame that comment on the fact I was half asleep! HA HA HA Other then my night. Not much else has happened today!
  8. 1 point
    I just hit my 3 month anniversary (YAY) and I've lost 72 pounds. I weigh myself every day because I love watching the number go down. But I know this won't last forever. I'm bound to hit a stall eventually and I don't want that to distract from my goal (like it did the last time I lost a lot of weight.) So here's my plan: Once I hit Onederland, the scale goes away. I keep doing what I'm doing: eating right, taking my vitamins, working out 4-5 times a week, being more active in everything I do, etc. I'm going to focus on how I feel, how my clothes fit, and NOT worry about the number on that evil machine. I guess I need to weigh my self once a month or so, just to make sure I'm not backsliding, but no more daily weigh ins. Just 17 more pounds to Onederland!!!

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