I had my first consultation with my surgeon, and after that I was told I would have to be on a 6 month supervised diet, per Aetna. I weighed 298 at my highest, I am a female, I am 5’6, and my BMI was 47? I went every month for weigh in's, talked about my food intake, and sometimes had blood tests. I had to go to a nutritional class, a one on one nutritionist appointment, and a psychologist. I didn't lose any weight at all during my 6 month check in sessions. After my last 6 month doctors appointment my paperwork was sent to Aetna. There was a snafoo as to who wasn’t sending over paperwork (my doctor’s office not sending or Aetna not receiving it). However once I stayed on the phone it was easily taken care of and I was approved immediately after my case was reviewed. My experience was a lot better than some of the horror stories that I read and Aetna really wasn’t that bad to work with once the ball started rolling. I had a friend who had the surgery done and she went thru Aetna and she had to do a 3 month, instead of a 6 month, but her requirements were more strict and she had to show more documentation than I. She also had to work one on one with a nutritionist for those 3 months. Im not sure which route your health insurance will take you down but remember the months of waiting are a good thing. It gives you time to change your unhealthy habits to start adapting to a healthier lifestyle.
You can, and will do this, if you are meant to. Stay strong and my wishes for best health. <3