Arnetta, so glad to see you back with the living. I was not about to give up on you, you are so worth all the effort. Now that you have had a good cry, dust yourself off, and start living, Each day gets easier and harder at the same time. Every food you eat is an adventure and what goes well today may not go well tomorrow. Take each day as an adventure and blog what your feeling. When the days go great, that is when you tend to stay away from the web site, but remember as I have learned there are others out here struggling and they need to hear when others are doing well as well as bad. It gives us all hope to learn that one us is making it! Maybe we will be next... Be honest with your husband, God knows I was with mine. I even told him once, "If you are going to continue to snack all the time, I can not be in the room with you!" How could he possibly be hungey we just ate dinner and he ate 10 times more than me. I refused to buy certain foods in the beginning because I did not eat them, starches mainly. Kinda funny now when I think back. But honestly I have to remind myself when fixing dinner, that other people eat more than protein and vegtables. I have a new best friend now, ME and guess what I Love the New Me I am becoming and so will you. Cyber hugs, so glad your feeling better.