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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2012 in Blog Entries

  1. 2 points

    Psych Eval--Sike!

    Maybe some can relate and maybe some wont but I feel like this forum has really helped me to be comfortable with my decision and open about my emotions and my life. This body represents my pain! Every excess pound represents something. All of the ups and downs of my life, bad decisions, dreams on hold... Everything... I had my psych eval today! I dont know what I was expecting...I guess more questions, but there were hardly any--maybe because I talk too much! Yesterday I had it out with my sister...full on brawl. My husband came into our place and instead of supporting me and hearing me...he added to my anger! I havent been very friendly lately... Im just tired of putting everyone elses happiness before mine. I thought that the events of my life these past few weeks would have really been dug through during this psych eval and I would be angry that because of allowing other people to control my emotions that I would have been found unfit for surgery or something...I mean everyone has issues right!? Regardless of how Im feeling about my relationships with other people I have really made this decision for me. Maybe because I am so focused on myself right now people who normally get all my attention and expect me to fix everything in their life now are angry with me because frankly i dont have time for it. TOUGH!! I cant help anyone anymore until I HELP MYSELF. I cant fix your life and help you be happy when this SMILE IS FAKE. A few tears fell when asked what was my last straw that I finally decided to move forward. I AM MY LAST STRAW. THE REALIZATION that I MATTER, and that IM IMPORTANT and that I NEED TO COME FIRST...the person staring back at me in the mirror is not the person I see when I look at pictures. That woman in the mirror is beautiful, confident, strong, looks amazing...etc etc. The person in the pictures is all of that but doesnt look as amazing as she thought when she put on that outfit she thought hid some imperfections. This body...does not live up to my view of ME...and Im tired of it holding me in like a prisoner. End result of Psych eval--IM READY FOR SURGERY...Im realistic about my expectations and I have a good feel of who I am right now and where I want to go. SOUNDS GOOD TO ME...ILL TAKE THAT!! Was your psych eval a scary thought? what happened?
  2. 1 point

    Quick Note!

    nothing really new going on with me since my last post...prom went well for my kiddo and graduation is in june! my mom who has no idea that i have had surgery will be here may 30...i have started sending her pics to prepare her for my subtle changes and she has noticed my face slimming. i have described to her my exercise routine and high protein diet as an explanation for my weight loss...i'm planning on telling her in person when she arrives...:/ i did start the couch25k treadmill version this week:) and i am finally on the upside of this cold...i'm thinking about having another small fill in the beginning of may to kick it up a notch...thinking i'll definitely make an afternoon appointment as i am tight in the mornings and probably have not been maximizing my fill potential by having my fills done in the morning... finally i wanted to share with you all my husbands wonderful progress. he was banded on 3-13-12 and is down 45 pounds:) this includes the preop diet that he went on with me, but wasn't required for him! he is not a slave to the scale as i am, but he has been staying focused on his nsv's! yay him! the scale still rules my world:(
  3. 1 point

    Day Before Surgery

    So my journey started over ten years ago. Thats when I decided I need WLS, over the years I gained more and more wieght. Countless diets and atempts to lose wait failed. And with no means to afford WLS. I even tried to purchase Insurance to have WLS but to my surprise you cant buy Insurance if your Obese. I am a Barber by trade and one day I seen an ad for Insurance for Barbers no questions asked if you joined this association for barbers. I joined and was able to purchase Kaiser Ins. They truley are a blessing they got me on the right track. My first doctors app. was on Nov 8. 2011. I had many issues I wieghted in at 458, much to my surprise. Anyway they signed my up for options program that last 12 weeks long, taught me how to calorie count and got me on right track. I have lost 63 pounds pre-op. My surgery is scheduled for tomarrow April 20 at 1pm at Kaiser West La. I am not scared maybe a bit nervous but definatley ready. Today i have to be on a liquid diet, lucky i think because I hear the horror stories about 2 week pre-op diets. So tomarrow is my big date i am so ready to start my new life , with the instructions I have receaved and this tool I am ready to jump in head first. I will keep you all posted. I am gonna start blogging more often , because i found it very conforting to hear from other people that going threw this journey.
  4. 1 point
    Hi Everyone, Well, I am still on a stall, but I have decided that if that is what my body needs to do right now then I should help it all I can to feel comfortable enough to start losing again. So I am trying to chill out, and not worry about the scale. (I have put it away for awhile) I figure my body has always been pretty good to me, and when it feels happier it will let go of more weight. I guess it is a case of 'catch up' , and by that I mean my mindset as well as my body. So, to help my mind feel better, I took some more measurements. Whoohoo! Another three inches bite the dust!!!!! Wow in the last year and a bit I have lost over 27 inches all over my body. That is amazing. Ok, with those sorts of changes I can begin to understand why my body needs some adjustment time. Besides, this isn't a race, this is the rest of my life. So slow and steady does it. I have taken other peoples advice and found some flavoured waters that agree with me, so I have a change from squashes which is great as I was getting really bored with them. The other night my husband had steak with all the trimmings, and I had a small piece of his steak (2 x 1 inch) with a fried egg. I ate all the steak (which was so lovely and juicy) and the yolk of the egg and I was full up. Hooray. I love the fact that these small amounts of food are more than enough. I am also delighted that I am able to eat everything I try. My sleeve is so well behaved, and good to me. :wub: I am still keeping up with the daily walking and the step every other day and feel quite proud of myself that I am doing it. Usually, if I am not losing I get bored or fed up and quit for a while. My step work is improving and I am thinking of moving on to the harder stuff soon. (At the moment I just repeat the easy stuff about 10 times.) I may leave it a bit longer though as I know how long it took me to feel okish about the easy stuff. I still don't like my feet leaving the floor, but I guess it is getting easier. I have a dr's appointment for my first proper check up since my op next week, so will let you all know how that goes. Hopefully I will be able to report a bit more weightloss, but if not, nevermind.(perhaps I should change my name to tortoise!) Best wishes to everyone Phoenix
  5. 1 point
    Hello everyone! My name is Danyal and I am a fellow "Bandster". I was banded about 4 years ago in the summer of 2008 at the ripe young age of 18... which currently makes me 22. At my heaviest I was 270lbs, and have lost about 110lbs of that weight... which in my calculations is a whole person (tiny person). May I just say, none of that 110lbs came off easily! These past 4 years have been absolutely heartbreaking, overwhelmingly exciting and everywhere in between. It has been an emotional roller coaster, and life has changed so much. There were times where I felt like giving up, and regretting having ever gotten the surgery in the first place... but at this point in time I know it was the right decision. I have lived by the idea that every little bit makes a difference, and that couldn't be more true! I haven't really decided the style of writing I plan to pursue with this Blog, but I am thinking a more "free-writing" style will suit me well. I am here to answer any inquiries you might have about the surgery, and feel free to ask it all!! From relationship changes, to physical changes,and emotional challenges ... Believe me I have been through it all, and I hope that I can help a few of you out along your Journey!
  6. 1 point

    A Little About Me

    First I want to start off with a little about me. At the age of 22 I am hppily married to a US Army soldier, stay at home mother of 3, and love to be out n about doing stuff and hanging with friends. I had to put education on hold till i find a reliable sitter but i am slowly working on my RN. My husband and I choose to stop having children so I am taking this time to work on myself. I start to look into the lap band because: !. I have fought with weight my whole life 2: i want to live a betterlife for my children and teach them to live to healthier life 3: with the last like 20 pounds i started to really noice the effects like getting out of breath quicker, knees hurting all the time, and clothes just not fitting at all 4 this is what broke the the "fat straw" i weigh more now than i ever did when i was pregnant. so March 6 2012 i went to my seminar, March 16th met with the NP and mental Health Eval, March 19th lab work and upper gi, April 5 nutrionist class/ first WLS support group April 13 surgery approval.... April 26th Stars pre op diet. and May 10th Surgery Now I have heard some awful stories about gettin approved for WlS through tricare (tricare south prime!)... i am guessing it as farely easy for me because i had already been working with my PCM for sometime and i met the more that 100 pounds over wieght. I mean it took them less than 24 hours to approve the request.the only co morbidity i have is bad knees and if i dont change i am on my way to diabetes. The biggest question I have "Are you scared?" no i am not scared to be changeing my life. i am excited. i am scared about the mood swings i will have with on the pre op diet but thats about it,\

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