good luck to you momof2crazyboys and congrats on having the surgery. And for you Cazz. I am sure you will do fine. I am 2years 2 months out. I have been very sucessful. I know that my determination came from not wanting to be as I was, but wanting to be what I want. Does that make sense? I am old enough to die from my obestiy. I didn't want to die like that. I was dermined and NO ONE, NO HOW is or was going to get in between that. Can you see yourself doing that? feeling that way? Try hard. That lapband is not going to stop you eating the wrong food. But as a tool after several fills it will not let you over eat. It will not tell you what to eat. But if you have the lapband you should want to eat the right things.Why not.!!! This is a surgery, it is not a band aid. I hope that you will want to succeed more than eat the food that got you were you are in the first place.
Following the rules, exercise, and wanting to get healthy, will get you to the finish line.I see you at the finish line, right along with me and thousands of others.Your whole life will change. I promise you.. With the band you can say adios to the bread, rice, soda, pasta, cookies, cake, sweets, (( arent those the ones that got you where you are?) Well adios to them. they are not your friends. Actually food is not your friend either. But we have to eat. After the band besure and find a support group. ask questions. I will be happy to help you if you would like. Just let me know.. Best of luck