I appreciate you for sharing your food binging trigger being linked to sadness and feeling sorry for yourself. I certainly have experienced that as well...feeling unloved, doing too much for others expecting a thankyou, love, attention...not getting it and then binging as I dull the emotional pain.
My bigger issue is stress related. I have to drive 2 hours to have my apts related to my lapband surgery 3/21/12. Every time I passed a hurdle apt., I would stop somewhere on the way home and buy a lb. of fudge or go out to eat by myself. I felt I needed to treat myself because I put myself out so much and risked so much in the pre op apt(gas money, difficult traffic, extensive medical history, psych interview, nutritionist interview, hospital preop etc).
I am 80 lbs over ideal weight with many comorbidities because I use food for reasons other than hunger"my drug of choice".
I have heard "insanity is doing the same thing over and over , expecting different results"
We all need to learn new ways to deal with our emotions. I am considering this a rebirth, a new baby stomach and a new way of thinking. It is hard to change but we are all brave for trying to improve our lives and health. MelVan