I'm like Cfalbro, wait when did I right this.? It's easy to think this because all our lives we have failed and failed to lose weight the way society dicates we do, and some of us have people in our lives that don't let us forget that we should lose weight and that in itsself is another failure that people can't see us for who we are but look at the weight first.
To make the lapband work, you do need to follow the regime set by dr, at least for the first few months and then afterwards, you can start experimenting foods, to learn what you can and cannot tolerate.
Sweets is a big addiction. Be careful, be honest and let your nutritionist know so they can help with alternatives. I didn't know this , but it was a big eye opener. Last night my hubby spoke to a co-worker who he knew had the lapband and she knew I had mine. She's had her for 3 years, and recently said on Facebook , lapband failure, all I lost was 20 lbs. Well she didn't mention , that she ate candies all the time, drank shakes, sliders as they call them. She even had her 10cc band filled to 9ccs in effort to lose weight and all she could get down were shakes, not the protein kind, but the cool whip on the top kind , with ice cream. And now she is diagnoised with diabetes and with poor leg circulation because of it.
Its not you wanting that stuff its your body. Its not a craving that's gonna be turned off overnight, but its one you have to learn to control. I'm the biggest whiner/baby because I can't eat something anymore, But if I look at the scale my body is following along, its my mind that is kicking and screaming. And I do indulge myself in a bite of pasta here or bread there, but I've gotten to where that's enough.
You will be ok, we are rocks in all areas, but sometimes we don't see it because we have been told we were.
I wish you the best!