It's hard to believe but I got my band 4 years ago. I am down between 75-80 pounds overall. (Of course I want to lose those extra 10-20-25 lbs, but if I just stay where I am, I am ok too.) I love my band and can't imagaine life without it.
In this time a lot of things have happened, as they always do. First, I had breast cancer, which came with chemo, a mastectomy, radiation, reconstruction etc. But through it all, I happily kept the band. I had only one hurdle with it though... after the mastectomy I had a wicked reaction to the anesthesia so after heaving for hours in the recovery room, the band was dislodged and I had to have a "revision." Unfortunately the next year I had another slip and another revision. I'm really quite careful now and am relieved that I am basically at the year mark and intact. I did have to have it loosened recently, then quickly gained 8 lbs, but am now back on the way down. It is distressing to regain but a relief to know that I can get back on track again, without too much damage done. So you can see life with a band is much like life itself, somewhat unpredictable and not a straight line of perfection. But the band is the tool that I feel has saved my life and self esteem. I am grateful for it every day. It gives me something that other people have, but I either don't have or lost along the way, an internal brake telling me that I'm full. It's that simple.
People who know ask what I miss... not much. Bagels? I had enough for a lifetime, but sometimes I'll pick at the outer crust. Steak? I can live without it. Lobster? Oh well... nothing is really a big deal. I feel I can eat a little of almost anything...
To those who are on the journey, good luck. Questions welcome, of course.