@ Bert, jitters can be a number of things, but low blood sugar comes to mind first. When you eat protein it takes your body longer to break them down than carbohydrates and your body can use these foods for fuel. If we eat foods that are simple carbohydrates, chips, crackers, popcorn, bread etc our bodies break these down faster and we get hungery again sooner than we should. Even though we have the band to help curb our hunger and reduce our intake we still have to think about what where eating and strive to eat 3 well balanced meals a day and if we do snack we should make the snack a protein not a carbohydrate, nuts, cheese, deli meats, beef jerky, peanut butter, etc. If we can eat these types of snacks in 1oo cals or less they will help keep us from straving and eating the other types of foods. Unfortunately even though the band is a big help, we all still have a lot of bad nutrition behaviors to unlearn, I agree with above statement about tracking what we eat, I track all my intake on myfitnesspal.com. It helps me but don't get caught up in the number of pounds it says you should loss. Use it to make sure you are eating what you should.