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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2012 in Blog Entries

  1. 2 points

    It's A Beautiful Day!

    Tomorrow will be my week bandiversary. Over this past week Ive felt good, Ive felt like crap. Ive cried, Ive laughed (while holding my stomach!) Ive RUN To the bathroom, and Ive come to this site alot. Ive walked to the end of my road and back so much that I think my neighbors think Im stalking them. Several of the recent January Bandsters said "hang in there, come day 6 or 7 you will turn the corner. Boy where they right! I feel amazing today!!!! Still having left sided pain when i breath in too deep but I can live with that. At my 1ST follow up, my scale matched the doctors, so 16lbs down (11 from surgery date). It was nice to review things with the nurse educator after I saw the Dr. I keep reading over my material to make sure im on track. Today I graduated to mushies! And I have to say 1/2 c. Cottage cheese never tasted so good to chew. Im finding creative ways to get my protein in without drinking a protein drink. My yogurt was 8g protein so i added 12g protein powder giving my plain yogurt some flavor all while getting in 20g protein! I think another imperative spirit lifter was seeing my co-workers today. Everyone knows i had surgery so Im not in the "fat closet". It was great having everyone tell me how great i look and how my boobs have shrunk! ( guess that was a compliment?) Lol. Today was a beautiful day! Im looking forward to many many more!
  2. 1 point
    See that gal on the left? Yeah, that’s me. Oh – NOT the big gal in the picture, per se’. The vixen on the t-shirt that the big gal is wearing. Yeah. Vixen. That’s me! Ok, so…I’m lying a little bit. They’re both me. Actually…all three (Left, t-shirt, Right) are…me. *duh* As if you didn’t know… Now, under normal circumstance, I would never post a pic of myself in my skivvy’s. (note: the obvious photo editing was to make it a little less tacky, and a little more artsy *lol*) But I was going thru some clothes this weekend and came across my very favorite t-shirt – which is the one pictured – and remembered exactly WHY I bought it, and why I love it so…and why I will HATE not being able to wear it this summer b/c it’s now 10 sizes too big. (But I digress – as usual) When I purchased this shirt approximately 14 years ago, I immediately fell in love with the woman on the shirt. She was OWNING her $h!t! Every bit of who she was…beautiful, obviously sexy, unapologetic…ALL OF IT. I felt that She was Me…on the inside, at least. What I realized while primping and preening in the mirror getting dressed yesterday, was that I am truly becoming her. In every sense. Like, WHOA! Now, I’m not so high on my own supply that I can’t see my obviously flaws like my belly flap & cheezy thighs in the aforementioned posted pic…but upon closer inspection, I’m like DAMN, Gina….that is…YOU! Every day, one step closer to my overall goal of getting to & maintaining a healthy weight (for me 165-170#)…but also to have a figure that is obvious, and not cammoflauged by the “[fat] suit” I was wearing in the picture on the left. Now, for those who might be offended by the term “[fat] suit” – please don’t be. It’s no dis to anyone, or even myself. But the more I start coming out of denial about where I was with my health, that term really accurately describes how I FEEL/FELT when seeing “pre” pictures of myself. Like my inner vixen - or the true essence of who I have always thought myself to be/look – was being hidden…like I was wearing a suit. Might not make sense to some, but that’s the best way to describe it. I mean, WTF am I thinking by even posting a pic of me in my drawls, anyway?!?!? I’ll tell you what. This day…it’s about acceptance. And re-learning to love what I see in the mirror. Because even though what I see is no where near perfect, it’s real… A real woman. With stretchmarks, cellulite, saggy skin, and… determination. I see a woman with curves. I see a woman with courage. I see a woman who I done being afraid to take off the “[fat]suit”. Hell, one day, I might even be bold enough to post a pic of myself in something and not have it so blurry! Or not… *shrug* The jury’s still out on what is T.M.I. for me *chuckle* So, anyway… here I am. Love me, or hate me (or a little of both) – it is what it is…I am who I am…and gonna be who I’m gon’ be. I’m ever thankful for this journey, and those I’ve met along the way who help me keep my course. I would NOT have been able to make it this far without the support system I’ve had. Even hoping to meet a few of you in person in 2012! Here’s to progress, realizations, determination…and HEALTH. Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy spirit. *cheers* P.S. Yup! Never in a GRILLION years would I have dreampt it could be. ME – running!!!!
  3. 1 point
    So tomorrow will be one week post-op... All things considered I'm doing well. Still slight bleeding from port but no signs of infection and surgeon's office said not to worry. Pain is very minimal BUT biggest problem is I can't burp and I feell full all the time. I'm not getting in my required liquids and protein. AND yes I've walked, done arm windmills, received back rubs and used gas x.
  4. 1 point

    Post Op Banding

    Today was post op appointment after the banding ......i stepped up on the scale.......i have dropped 25 pounds since my weigh in before pre-op and surgery....and also got the ok from dr to go back to the gym....i'm so ecited i havent been in a couple months, so tonight i can get back in the pool again .....
  5. 1 point
    So it's day five out and I' m BACK! To hell with these crying spells and pitty party! Today I've gotten up every two hours to walk, gotten all my protein in, and tried to get my water in. So I had officially decided NOT to get on the scale before my first doctors appointment..........couldnt help myself! Im down 16lbs! Super excited, but honestly Im really excited about eating more than just protein shakes, jello, broth and popsicles. I did find a trick to spicing up my protein shakes with a packet of decaf instant coffee!
  6. 1 point

    Post-Op Day 10: The Letter T

    Ten days! Aside from my abdomen feeling "tight" as my body heals and my incisions stinging and itching, it feels weird to think that today is only the tenth days since surgery. I have settled back into my regular, crazy routine and am adapting well to my new diet. I must say, though, that it's very nice to not have to drink broth anymore. Theater - Rehearsals for "Arsenic and Old Lace" are in full swing and I am working on developing my character. Am I stern? Am I independent? Am I the one who forced my crazy, sociopathic nephew to move away? I think yes. But then again, I do believe it is charitable to put lonely old bachelors out of their misery by poisoning their wine... Teeth - I have found it rather difficult to come by chewable vitamins in this country. Thus, I opted for a liquid multivitamin which, as it turns out, tastes awful. Today I had my second dose and I can assure you it will be my last. As I was taking the elevator downstairs during my break, I scrutinized myself in the mirror, as I am prone to do, and noticed that the edges of my incisors (front teeth) were rather dark. Having worked as a dental assistant in my first career, I instantly freaked out, fearing that this change in diet had somehow had adverse effects on my oral health! At the end of my break, having rationalized what could possibly be the cause of said darkening, I stuck out my tongue in the mirror and learned that it, too, was rather black. I immediately commenced to brushing my teeth and tongue with vigor (I hate - gag - brushing - gag - my tongue) and had some significant success. However, it would appear that I now need to make an appointment with the dentist to get my teeth pumiced sooner than my six month check up five months from now. Grrr. Next mission: dispose of liquid multivitamin (made in Ireland - perhaps an explanation for the notoriously poor appearance of the teeth of those in that area; apologies for the over generalization) and hunt again for a chewable.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
