None of us got to being overweight because we were "normal eaters". We all have some sort of food addiction. For me, anything with flour or sugar is a huge problem so I have to avoid things that have it in it like it was poison because if I start I CAN'T stop. The holidays have been really hard this year. The voices in my head say I am down like 93 or 94 pounds I can have a little of that pie or a piece of dessert. The truth is that I CAN'T, I am just letting down my defenses again. This food addiction never leaves us, we just find a way to be in better control of it.
You already know what to do. You need to do Protein first and then veggies and, only if there is room, a small bit of complex carb. Also, do you need to go in for an adjustment? re-visit the nutritionist? Do you have a food scale and measuring cups?
You CAN do this! You have the strength and the knowledge! You just need to start with 1 day or 1 meal or even 1 hour. Keep it simple and build your confidence back up. You are not a failure, you are human.
Good luck and happy holidays,