Like Jack, I really enjoy my collection of small side plates that I eat off! I have an everyday dinner setting of plain white plates that the family uses and everythign to match - a variety of tiny bowls and such - just the kind of thing you can buy the pieces separately for. I use them for Cereal and yogurt and such, I know their capacity and my whole family eats off smaller plates (but not as small as me) - but I have a collection of various ones that I've seen and liked, some meals look great on a red plate, and a stir fry on a black plate is quite special, all the bright vegies lol. So yeah, just a bread and butter plate does the trick for me.
Its just for me, I couldnt afford to indulge my crockery obsession for the whole family! And I get bored, I wouldnt want to buy a whole set and just have to use that anyway. It might sound a bit unhinged, but it really adds a bit of zing to ordinary everyday meals for me.