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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2011 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Finally Made It To Onderland

    So after 24 weeks of hard work, I have lost 85.5 pounds! I stood on the scale this morning to see the number 199! I started dancing, ate my cereal and now am about to begin my workout! This is such a great feeling!
  2. 1 point
    I posted on this before but this month it happened again so I did some research. Last month I couldn't keep anything down 2 days before my period-it was crazy! I mean I had yogurt and had to pull over on my way to work. Then after I got my period I was back to normal. This month same thing but it lasted longer into my period. I thought I had a slipped band because I was PBing and simply could not get any solids without PBing or just feeling stuck. Today I am back to normal! I can eat!! I found an interesting article about banding and that time of the month. Before you rush to the doctor's for an unfill you may want to wait a couple days (if it's that time of the month). I never had this problem until I lost around 40 pounds and the article actually addresses that-it's worth a read: http://www.beyondtheband.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9:lap-band-and-your-period&catid=3:news&Itemid=19
  3. 1 point

    The Lap Band Didn't Work For Me?

    You probably should see a GOOD WLS doctor soon. You shouldn't be having those problems. It sounds as though your band has slipped, eroded or you may have developed GERD, all of which need medical attention. You need to either get to an ER, or make an appointment tomorrow. Please take care of this immediately. I hope it turns out well for you.
  4. 1 point
    Ok, going to see if I can put my experience in words for you as to why I think I have been successful with my band. I will preface by telling you I was 262 lbs on June 8, 2010 when I was banded; since then I have lost roughly 100 lbs and had a tummy tuck this past August. I am thrilled with both my new size 10 body and to have the ability to buy my undies and bras at Victoria's Secret (among other things) The band not only takes away the ability to overeat, but when I am eating I am mindful of the size of my portions and what is takes to fill me up. I am not a stickler to my new lifestyle. I still enjoy my ice cream (on occasion) and some chocolate (a small amount daily). My band also gives me the ability to say no to bread, or to only have a half a roll My band and I are successful because I knew it was time to lose weight and I needed the help I knew my band could give me I am happy, healthier and thinner
  5. 1 point

    Port Pain- Banded 11/22

    ) Banded on 11/22 and I still am sore at the port site and had hernia fixed!! But, I am feeling stronger and stronger every day!! If I do to much durning the day or with the twins I am sore in the evenings, nothing alittle liquid Lortab won't fix!!! Ha Ha Good Luck and a Speedy recovery!!!
  6. 1 point

    Help! First Day Of 2 Week Liquid Diet

    It will all be worth it down the road...
  7. 1 point
    Cindy C

    New Years Eve Dress Size....

    Why not just wait until the week between Christmas and New Years to shop? Everything should be on sale then too. If you don't want to wait, find the dress you want and buy it in 2 sizes. Leave the tags on and save the receipt and return the one that doesn't fit.
  8. 1 point
    That is fantastic news!!!! I hope that I have that same kind of success after I am banded in a couple of weeks. Jen
  9. 1 point
    future, I don't think anyone has the right to say who should or should not be posting here. Many people come to the boards for many different things. Personality types are spread all across the board here. I post at several boards and the tone of each one is different, but I would never take it upon myself to tell anyone that they shouldn't be posting if they didn't meet my standards. I personally do not think care is better or worse in Europe or elsewhere. It is just that I live in the US, my insurance covers me here, and I have access to some of the best doctors anywhere. I live in the city which houses UAB which ranks in the top five hosptials in the US in many instances. We have a very diverse population due to people from all over the world coming here to study and research medicine. My reasons for not considering surgery in another country have nothing to do with level of care, but with finances and logistics.
  10. 1 point
    OK my surgery was on the 22nd and it went ok. I did have nausea which I hate and my surgeon fixed a hiatal hernia which I did not know I had. I think that is why the pain is a little more than I expected..The gas was pain was ok, I used tons of Gas x strips peppermint (helped with nausea) and a moist heat, heating pad!!!! My surgeon is Dr Robert Richard and he has to be the best surgeon around, he even brought me a big stuffed brown bear after the surgery was over...All in all it was a really good experience!! Now on to my journey!!!!!

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