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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    I lost 70 pounds!

    Yes, it happened. I have lost seventy pounds since my surgery on April 25! I am so excited! I literally got off the scale and cried. I don't know why 70 is such a big thing, but I just now started noticing a change in my appearance. I didn't even realize how just HUGE I was, and now I look at myself and I feel so much happier about the way I look. I'm nowhere near done, but even if the weight loss stopped here, I'd be happy. Look at me! I haven't been this thin since I was a freshman in high school (now I'm a freshman in college)! I just can't contain my excitement! You can even see a part of my college suite in the background of my after picture! The first one is at my Dad's pub with, of course, my dad. I think I'm around the same size! This is my my sophomore year of high school! This is me before and after lap-band surgery (so far!). 70 pounds down!
  2. 1 point
    I am in the same general boat as you except I'm further out and have more to lose in total- I've lost 140 lbs and I have 60 lbs to go and I got too proud of my accomplishments because of the compliments I was getting, I was learning what foods were easier to eat, and I also went through tremendous stress with losing my job, a parent, and just losing focus. I decided to go back to my counselor that I can see for depression and she is really helping me and I am getting back on track with wanting to do this for me - for my survival, for my health. I finally called my lapband surgeon's office and have an appointment for a fill. I had been staying away because I had gained about 15 lbs back and was ashamed but I talked to another lapband person I really trust and she said, go see him! I am also considering going to an OA meeting with that friend - I really still have a desire to overeat when I am under stress, I just choose the wrong high calorie foods that are easier to eat. I can't go back to not knowing what those foods are, I just have to decide to let them go for another period of time to get this last 60 lbs off. I have been working out in the yard and walking throughout the summer here in Ohio but now I've had to get back inside to the gym. I got 5 days out of 5 at work at our gym and I'm so proud of myself. I now keep looking at sweets and high calorie foods and thinking do I want to blow the calories I burned off or do I want to see that scale go down! Down baby down! Hope this helps you. Bottom line, we have to choose to do the right things and it is hard!
  3. 1 point

    Band isn't working for me

    Do you want it to work? If you do you have to stop now eating all that stuff. You have to know WE still want some of those things but you just have to say NO. It does not matter if you were filled to the top if you want to eat you will find a way. We all know how. The choice is yours. Put in the time and do it right and It will work. Heck if you just follow the diet and do not workout you will still lose maybe slowly, So many people would like the opportunuity to be in your shoes Banded. Sometime you have to mature and say I am gonna do it and then struggle through it and it does get easier. But your in control not the Band. If I was you I would be on the phone tomorrow finding myself a therapist that deals with eating disorders and find out whats going on? Something is you have to know that. Don't give up just ask for some help and then do it. Nothing wrong with seeing a therapist everybody could benefit from it. Then I would find me a support group meeting and go to every meeting. We need support from people who are going through what we are going through. You are no different from all of us, you want to lose weight or you would not have done this right? food is just food and living is living you have a fork in(sorry)the road which way are you going? You can do this. Are you married? Do you have kids? Do you have parents? Do you have loving friends? Somebody loves you and wants you to live. Do you want to live? The step in the right direction is what you took when you decided and went through the surgery Your weight is still pretty high, do you want to have a heart attack! Spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair? Do this for yourself go see that therapist and work out your problems just think you could be getting healthly on the outside while you are get healthly mentally. Please don't give up on yourself you already have the tool just start doing your part. So many people here can help you but you have to stop that kind of eating otherwise nobody can help you. Help yourself first. I have lost 84 lbs and it was not easy but easier with the band. I wanted to eat some things I shouldn't but you have to decide what rules your life Even if you could eat a whole chicken does not mean you have to, Stop Cheri
  4. 1 point
    Yes it is. That was one of the hardest thing to do but you need to keep remind yourself why you did this & know that it's only for 3 wks and it will be so worth it as you see your weight come down. I'm 7wks post op & feeling great. Just know it will get better:) Ps the hunger you are feeling is most likely gas.
  5. 1 point
    Cindy C


    I have a new Thanksgiving tradition. Since I live on the Canadian border, every year I cross over and spend the day shopping! It's not a holiday there!!
  6. -1 points
    He may have missed the port OR you may have a leak. Next time have him take out the fluid and see what's in there. If you have insurance I would insist on a fluro fill-absolutely. Something just doesn'r seem right. Before you give up make sure you don't have a leak and if all in fine then you just need a ltlle more-you're almost there girl-don't give up yet-you CAN do this! I simply cannot overeat-can't do it withthe fill I have now or I will get sick. Sometimes I really want to eat a lot, but I can't. Good luck to you-I wish you the best! Be an advocate for your band!

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