Wow, since April I've been preparing for this surgery I've had very insightful & some very challenging moments. I'm a pretty "detailed" person, so I did my "Living Will" paperwork and emailed it to my children today as they all live out of town.. I'm experiencing a gamut of emotions this evening, but for the most part I'm excited to finally be on a road to real Weight Loss. I've had my moments of weakness and I've learned very helpful information from this site, overall I'm pretty happy to have made it through the 2 week pre-op, with one minor slip-up..
I appreciate everyone here that shares their stories and advice.. Keep me in your thoughts & prayers.. My surgery is at 9 a.m., I report to the hospital at 7 a.m.,.One of my sisters and my Father will be there with me. The minimum I will be in the hospital will be overnight, the nurse said because I'm having a small hiatal hernia repaired as well, my stay may be 2 days, we will have to take it day by day. Based on my level of pain & comfort will determine if I go home Wednesday or Thursday.
I'm going to turn in early tonight, so I can wake up and be on my way to a better & healthier ME!!!
Again Thanks for the being best support team EVER!!!! I will post when I'm home and up to it...
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