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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Ugh not another band is a "tool" person

    Ok If I hear one more person or article say the band is a "tool" I may have to scream. No sh** its a tool but for me its like having a hammer and its missing the head of it. So my band is in place and is pretty full, got it. When they do I feel nothing? No wait I do feel something and its reflux, even when drinking Water. The only time I lost any weight since having my band done 4 yrs ago was when I was on the next to nothing diet. My Dr had me terrified of solid food so I ate broth for 2 months and wouldn't ya know I lost weight...go figure. But was I hungry, more like starved! I never thought more about food in my entire life than when I wasn't allowed to chew a single thing. I know what I should eat and how many calories I should consume and if I could have done that without any help why on earth would I have gone through surgery? So now I have this foreign body in me that does absolutely nothing! GRRRRRRRR. Wow, feeling a bit better for getting that out. Thanks for listening.
  2. 1 point
    So I went in for a fill today. Was not even sure that she would give me a fill, but she ended up giving me .20 since I had .50 taken out the last time. So my first NSV was when the nurse was taking my vitals. She was looking up my BMI and I asked her how close I was to not being "OBESE". She looked at me and said that I was NOT obese. Hehe. liked that one... I have about 4lbs to go until I am officially declared "overweight" So then I saw the surgeon outside the room and thanked him again for doing my surgery!!! He just looked at me and said WOW what are you a 27. Im like huh!!! No im a 14. He just laughed and said he thought my BMI was a 27. The nurse laughed and said no she is a 30 and he said that I looked way smaller than that. He wanted me to go and talk to people at the next seminar that he is having in Septemember. He thinks I will be at my goal within 6-7 months of my surgery. I told him that was my goal too!!!
  3. 1 point
    Everyone is different. Everyone heals differently. Every surgeon's plan is different. I've been banded since July 18th (no fill yet) and I've eaten subs, I usually take the top portion of the bread off though. I've dropped 30 pounds and 2 pant sizes. Don't let people that have been banded for 5 days tell you how to feel. When I was 5 days post op I couldn't even finish an 6oz protein shake. I was dehydrated most of the time because I couldn't even get water down. Now that I'm healed I can eat pretty much anything, which I was told is normal but just make sure I eat slowly and don't overeat. After the first fill is when you should feel restriction and start dropping lbs again. You're eating like a normal person now. Good luck!
  4. 1 point

    shoulder pain

    Yes, I get it too (four months post op.) I find it happens when I eat too quickly and I am learning to SLOW DOWN (yelling at myself there )
  5. 1 point

    shoulder pain

    They say that's usually a sign that you're full and you should stop eating.
  6. 1 point
    My surgeon put 3.2cc in my 14cc band. I didn't even notice it. I've since had five fills (I think - maybe it's four) and I'm at my sweet spot, sitting at 9cc. I also had very little bandster hell to deal with. Not sure if they're related. I think if you start with some Fluid in your band, you'll be closer to the eventual sweet spot. My surgeon said the reason he puts some fluid in the band during surgery is to firm up the band so the band doesn't move, and so the stitches heal in place better. Dave
  7. 1 point

    What if I'm becoming anorexic?

    As a member of the obese community who is hopefully and happily on her way out, I can identify with the pride and newfound surprise you feel at no longer feeling the need for food. However, for most people who are grossly overweight, such as those of us who have been banded, one of the main reasons we got this way is because we have addictive personalities. Food is still something to nourish and fuel you. It's ok to still eat in celebration and with enjoyment. Food is a joy! But like family, children, drugs or men, there's only so much we can handle before it becomes a burden. My brain argues constantly with my inner-skinny child. It doesn't like leaving most of the salad on the plate or paying $10 for a meal that will mostly get left untouched. You and everyone reading this may benefit from researching addiction transfer. Google it. It is a HIGHLY common thing found in those who go thru the gastric surgery journey. Finding we can no longer stuff ourselves, we drink more, gamble, do drugs, etc. Sadly, many people confess that weight loss dramatically alters their personalities, marriages and lives. At one point you were strong enough to admit you needed help with your weight and diet because you couldn't do it alone. Now is the time to admit you may need help dealing with the mental side of things. I wish you luck and much happiness.
  8. -1 points
    Wow, you are sure a bitter person....your aura tells me you probably never worked the band and lie to yourself about your food intake....I can't very well wish you luck, but I do wish you peace. Mimi

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