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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Breadless Pizza...

    2 ounces low cal mozzarella cheese, shredded Garlic powder Italian seasonings 10 slices pepperoni, about 1/2 ounce [you dont HAVE to use pepperoni you could use other toppings I know that I cant eat Pepperoni.] Other toppings of your choice such as sausage, mushrooms, peppers, Ham. etc. * In a 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, spread the cheese to cover the entire bottom of the pan. Sprinkle with your seasonings. When the cheese starts bubbling all over, add the toppings. Do not to overload the pizza or you'll have trouble later. Once the edges of the cheese start to brown, start gradually prying them up with a spatula. Once the edges are completely browned, and you can get your spatula under the whole thing, slide the pizza out of the pan and onto a plate. Let it stand a minute to allow the cheese to cool slightly and firm up. Cut with a pizza cutter or kitchen scissors into quarters. You should be able to pick this up with your hands to eat it. Makes 2 servings for bandsters Do not freeze * You will need to pre-cook your mushrooms and peppers before adding them to the pizza I Love this website this is where I get all my recipies from I just adjust them according to what I can eat. recipes - Home
  2. 1 point

    Newbie from Illinois

    Hi my name is Brandi---my surgery date is Aug 9! I'm excited...scared...looking forward to a new me! I'm ready to be the mom my kids need. Looking forward to my adventure with all you banders! Brandi
  3. 1 point
    I am scheduled to have lapband in 2 days and feeling completely panic. I have been on every diet under the sun, from phen/phen to HGC. All with the same results, I lost weight then gained back the weight and then some. Lately I have been feeling so tired, defeated and helpless. Rather than giving up I decided to look into lapband, Now just a few days away I am feeling a little selfish, guilty and worried about something going wrong during the surgery. The selfish part has a lot to do wit the expense, as I am paying for it in full (insurance wont pay) and I am worried about what I might be putting my family through. Any words of wisdom out there?
  4. 1 point
    I've been reading a lot about the difficulties people experience with certain foods. While it is easy to see that each person is very different, there are some patterns that emerge. Seems like a fair number of people have problems with red meat, grilled chicken, shrimp, etc. I'm interested in which foods people have the most success with. What are some of those "go to" foods when you are eating out or entertaining, or at a business dinner where you really don't want to be running back and forth to the bathroom because of gastric difficulties. I know that one key is chew chew chew....but which foods top your list of easy to eat without producing difficulties. Thanks!
  5. 1 point

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    So.... Haven't been back to this thread in a few days, but it's nice to read everyone's posts. Although I feel comforted by what I've read, I'm still SO anxious & frustrated right now - even if I know logically I shouldn't be... My story? I was banded on the 19th. I had my first post-op doctor visit last Thursday the 28th, and I was down 22 lbs since I had gone on my pre-op diet on July 14th. I was really excited! Now... between this site and what the PA said to me that day, I knew my loss numbers would not be the same in the following days. It just makes sense I wouldn't lose as much now that I had the clearance to eat something besides broth and sugar-free Jello & popscicles, right? Yet, I'm actually really down right now that I'm at a stand-still right now - maybe I've lost a lb or 2... Background: I've always had a hard time with my weight. I was sort of thin in high school, but as I look back that was probably because I had a boarderline eating disorder - as many girls did in my class. I have had hips & big breasts since at least 6th grade, I'm not that tall (5' 4"), and my mother didn't eat OR cook. So although I look at myself in HS photos and am OK with what I see, I know I NEVEr felt skinny like many of my friends, and know that I ate maybe a few bowls of cereal a day to be that way... And that was when my metabolism was probably at its best! Fast-foward through a high stress career, three children (one who was diagnosed 3 years ago with autism), and an illness (not cancer) in April of 2010 that almost killed me, caused me to lose all of my hair, and effectively wrecked my metabolism, and here I am today. I've done the diets, the weight watchers points, the personal trainers since then,,, all to starve myself, kill myself, and lose 10 lbs in 2.5 months... This is when I finally decided on surgery. I KNEW (I KNOW) it is not the magic answer to my problem, and I;m happy I've already lost twice the amount than in my previous, serious attempt. BUT... I can't help but need a little moore "nudging: to know this surgery is worth it. I can't even start to think that I went to this drastic measure only to have to obsess unhealthily about food and carbs and fat and water intake and measurements... and become one of those people who talk about food constantly = "Oh, do you know about such and such recipe/replacement/blah, blah, blah" = their only topic of conversation topic?? I want to live my life = social, cocktails, making a dinner for my three boys & husband that we can all eat,,, But I want to lose too!!! OK. I've ranted & raved enough. I'm just having a little melt-down, and am hoping there is someone else out there like me who is feeling the same. Again... I know it could be worse. But I'm eating 800 calories or less right now, but not seeing results. SO hoping my "fill" on the 22nd will help - but don 't want to get my hopes too up either... Here's to a great end of summer!! (As a teacher, I count out my time in this way. Hoping to feel on a better path come the start of a new school year Thanks for listening (reading) Would love any words of wisdom, encouragement, tips, or just a note telling me I'm not a total freak-show... LOL HUGS!! Kell
  6. 1 point
    All of us can loose weight, we just can't keep it off. It's not as simple as others seem to think. You'll find support here and the best thing you can do is show them how much this changes you for the better .
  7. 1 point
    Earlier today I had some fat free cream of chicken soup, added fat free milk and water to thin it out. To my pleasant surprised a small piece of chicken made its way into my cup...I didn't eat it but I chewed and spit it out. It's the most satisfaction i've gotten since being banded on Monday :-/
  8. -1 points
    Uh..there's no such thing as a protein pill. Protein comes from food..maybe try protein shots. Dunno. Why wouldn't you just eat lean meats, eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc?

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