I "borrowed" this info from another website. I hope the author doesn't mind! They list some great websites, Protein power samples, and Vitamin samples. Excellent links! I ordered some of the samples below and can't wait for them to arrive! My personal favorite is Syntrax nectar. They have quite a few different flavors and are dee-lish mixed with only Water. I use two scoops with 16 ounces of water and that provides me with 46 grams of protein. You can order 13 samples of the nectar from one of the links below.
Some great websites:
About Time Protein Products - 2 servings Total cost $2.99 http://www.shopabouttime.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode= TrialPack
unjury Starter Kit with Mixing bottle - 12 servings Cost $17.95+$6.00 shipping http://www.unjury.com/store/protein/unjury-protein/unjury-st arter-pack.html
Click coffee Protein drinks - Email them first about a sample and they will email you a half price code for samples and the instructions on how to use it. You will then get 2 servings for about $3.00 total. http://www.drinkclick.com/shop.html
Bariatric Advantage Sample kit - They aren't free anymore. it is $8.95. I dont remember shipping but is was some of everything they have for your surgery type. http://www.bariatricadvantage.com/catalog/itemHandler?id=192 0
Chike Nutrition - You pay $6.99 for shipping for 5 servings. http://www.chikenutr...ree-sample.html
Celebrate Vitamins - Email form request and surgery type and they will send you a bunch for free.http://www.celebratevitamins.com/component/chronocontact/?ch ronoformname=sample
Bell Plantation PB2 - Peanut Butter powder for shakes and cooking AWESOME! $3.99 shipping included.http://store.bellplantation.com/PB2-Chocolate-PB2-Sampler-p/ spb2-cpb2-1d.htm
Building Blocks - Email them about samples, I think mine were free. http://www.bbvitamins.com/Contact.aspx
Syntrax Nectar - 13 ct sample pack direct from the company is now $13.00 no shipping. Just call them at 866-333-7403</span></span> </span></span> </span></span></span>. There is an option on the phone tree for bariatric. http://www.si03.com/
BJ Bariatrics - Nectar sample pack $12.92+$5.00 shipping http://www.bjsbariatrics.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&St ore_Code=bjb&Product_Code=synSamplePack&Category_Code=syn
Kaffree Roma - For those needing to get off coffee for a while or forever. Caffeine free and taste awesome. There product locater helps a lot most Martins carry it in the organic section.http://www.morningstarfarms.com/product_detail.aspx?family=3 698&id=302
Designer whey - Email them why you want samples and they send them. http://www.designerwhey.com/
Set Point Health - Email them why you want samples and they will send you a list of what is available and send them.https://setpointheal...h/main/main.asp#
4Ever Fit - Email them that you would like to try the Fruit Blast Natural (truvia), the Fruit Blast the Isolate, and 4ever Whey Protein and why and they will send samples. http://4everfit.com/
Champion Nutrition - Email them that you would like to try the Champion Pure Whey and why and they will send samples.http://www.championnutrition.com/
Ultimate Nutrition - Email or call that you would like to try the Prostar Whey and they will send samples.http://ultimatenutrition.com/
Permalean - Email that you would like to try the shakes and bars and they will send you some. I like these.http://www.permalean.com/
Quest Protein - Fill out the form but they will take awhile to mail them to you. http://www.questprot.../free/index.asp
Premier Nutrition - My FAVORITE Protein Bar. Email them and tell them you want to try the Titan, Twisted and Premier Bar. They will also send shake samples. http://www.premiernutrition.com/
Focus 28 - Email that you would like to try their products and they will send you many. https://store.focus28diet.com </span>