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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    take a deep breath! You don't have too very far to go, you can totally do this. I think that the understanding of how the band works has changed in the past couple of years. There's a link in my sig that talks about what the band should be doing for you, and why it's not really supposed to provide the restriction they used to say it did. I think that'll help you get back into the right mindset of how to best use your tool to help you. Welcome back to the bandwagon
  2. 1 point

    I die in my sleep!

    Yes - I absolutely know what you are talking about!! When I had my sleep study several years ago - they told me I was waking up more than 100 times per night - I couldn't believe it. So - I sleep with Pappy now...(my CPAP) and it only took about 2 nights to get used to the mask and hose. After that - can't sleep without it. And I love to crawl under the covers in my Bed Bath and Beyond "Beech" sheets which are sort of like T-shirt sheets except they feel like a million bucks. I first slept in them at my niece's house and OMg, I was amazed. So - now that I love getting a good nights sleep with Pappy...I just had to have those sheets too! I can also relate to the excitement of your upcoming surgery. I have 43 days to being sleeved. Sigh... I talk about it to my daughters, and I can barely focus at work because I am so HAPPY to never have to be on yo-yo diets again. My insurance doesn't cover so I decided to self pay in Mexico ($4500) and most people are saying their out-of-pocket was at least that much. Plus I don't have to go through all of those tests ahead of time. I'm glad and I've met such great people on this website. People that understand completely what it's like to suffer the "looks" and comments related to obesity. Bless you and good luck. Full steam ahead! Reb
  3. 1 point

    A bad decision...

    I agree also but maybe the band was a catalyst that helped this change. Now after 2 months of being banded I realize I had everything I needed to really lose the weight inside of me. However, it was the year long pre surgery process and the actually surgery itself that helped this awaken in my brain for some reason. Although I feel I could have done it with out the band, I am grateful that I got the band. I don't expect it to do the work for me. I won't stop me from eating crap. Only I do that. It won't force me to work out. Only I do that. So no matter what, no matter how the band works for you or if it does at all, you made the change and maybe, just maybe, the surgery helped that change. I know it has with me.
  4. 1 point
    This might be just what I needed. I like it that it isn't a weight challenge - the scale is such a weird thing. Ok, my friend, I accept your challenge!!!!! Starting on Sunday - IT. IS. ON!
  5. 1 point

    A bad decision...

    I agree CindyC. The band IS only part of the equation. Thank you for putting it so eloquently. Personally, it somehow makes everything else a bit easier to manage. Getting a handle on one aspect of the reason I was overweight made it easier to tackle the others. Not effortless by any means, just easier.
  6. 1 point

    A bad decision...

    I'm happy to hear you've managed to resolve your issues, and that you seem to be generally content these days. In your case, the band may not have been the answer you needed. As has been discussed here many times, the band is not a magic bullet - it's a tool to assist in your weight loss. People who have an expectation that the band will solve their bigger life problems are generally going to be disappointed when things don't go as they expect. Just as the band won't stop someone from overeating or eating badly, there is a certain amount of responsibility the person needs to take for management of their day-to-day banded life. I've said any number of times that the band is not for everyone. I happen to be someone for whom the band WAS the right choice. But I didn't have other crises in my life that required a separate amount of work to resolve. I just needed help wth managing my food intake. The rest has taken care of itself. I've had what I consider outstanding success with my band, and I'm delighted to have had the surgery. Going forward, i wish you nothing but a lifetime of happiness. Life sucks sometimes, but it sounds like you've gotten yours sorted out. Good luck! Dave
  7. 1 point
    Cindy C

    A bad decision...

    We all know that those things are necessary for success but for some of us we needed more. I'm glad that you are getting your demons under control. For you it worked. What works for one person won't necessarily work for another. For me, it didn't. The band was NOT the answer to my demons. It was simply a part of the equation. You've lost 80 pounds in 7 years. Good for you. I've lost 145 in 3. Good for me. If we were both thrown back into the stressful situations that led to our obesity in the first place I know I would be able to avoid returning there. Can you say the same?
  8. 1 point

    A bad decision...

    I agree with about 99% of what you say. I don't think MY band was a bad decision, but I totally agree that weight loss, even with this band, is so highly dependent on what you do/think, not on this piece of silicone wrapped around my stomach.
  9. 1 point
    Ok first off its a mistake to think that having surgery is going to make you look like Barbi, or being slim will make you happy it wont. YOu have to come to terms with what and who you are. YOU have to accept yourself for who you are, you have to love your self before you can accept love from others. I was a fat kid, picked on in school so i understand how hard it is at your age. If you do surgery and don't change your life style it wont work or will work temporally. It is a life time change but once you do it its not so hard, wrong it is hard but you are worth it. Maybe getting Councillor will help you with the process. This is so important because if u dont and it dont work you will be in a worse spot.
  10. 1 point
    I cant tell you how much the lap band has changed my life!

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