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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Things I am not going miss

    I thought I'd make myself a list of all the things I won't miss after I get this band and get myself looking good. 1. Having to stretch my shirts out once I put them on to make them more comfortable. 2. Not getting on a plane for fear that I will need an extender or worse yet have an airline employee tell me I need to buy 2 seats. 3. Buying something off the rack and assume it fits, then getting home and finding out its too tight! 4. Feeling self conscious of people looking at my grocery cart when shopping. 5. Having men look the other way, or not looking at me in the eye for fear that they will somehow unknowingly attract the fat girl. Sorry dudes, I'm married, you can look me in the eye now!
  2. 1 point


    I think that a more specific question would have elicited more responses. There's nothing I could say everyone hasn't heard many times already. I exercised like a madwoman and ate no carbs for a year basically. It was hard, but not THAT hard. I did drink alcohol, steal french fries from my children's plates and eat dessert in moderation and have a skim latte or two every day. My top three tips would be to lift weights in addition to doing cardio, eat lots of fish, and to banish bagels and muffins forever. Good luck! There are many many satisfied vets out there. There are also only so many "any suggestions for mushies" questions you can answer!
  3. 1 point

    Scared and Unsure

    I know you're scared - I was scared too. I was fine up until I had to walk "behind the door" from the waiting room into the surgery area and at that point I burst into tears and had to bawl in the bathroom for about 15 minutes. After that I was fine. You are doing the right thing. You won't be thinking that for about a week after surgery, but that goes away. I am so thankful I had this surgery, and I have such a positive outlook on life now. I get compliments just about every day, and I still have a long, long way to go. As someone else said, if you weren't scared of surgery, something would be wrong with you. It's like being scared to stand in front of a group of people and speak - everyone gets scared, nervous, anxious. But that is the great thing about being alive - you get through situations with courage and strength and you become a better person for it. Good luck and come see us when you're on the other side - we will be here for you!
  4. 1 point


    I love OA too. It has been very helpful and supportive. I especially like the podcasts from www.oalaig.com. I knew my weight problem was more than just have too big of a portion at dinner. I was eating to deal with life. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me. But at least, now I know I'm going in the right direction and there is a lot of help and encouragement along the way.
  5. 1 point


    I'm no doctor but cutting back on weight-lifting is silly. Weight-lifting is EXTREMELY beneficial when it comes to weight loss as it helps to ensure that the weight you're losing isn't muscle mass, but fat. And in the case I've a disabled person, it's even better. I've seen much better results from the last few weeks when I've been seriously weight-lifting when compared to the times I was running for an hour on the treadmill. I'd reconsider. My 2 cents.
  6. 1 point
    Losing 1 - 2lbs per week is generally regarded as a safe rate of weight-loss. It looks like you averaged closer to 4lbs a week. I vaguely remember the pre-op materials saying losing weight too quickly can weaken your heart and cause dangerously low levels of potassium and other vitamins/minerals. Your Doc is just trying to make sure you stay healthy. You'll get rid of that last 76lbs soon enough! Don't worry!
  7. 1 point

    What if your hubby LIKES you fat?

    Would yoou change how you feel about him if he changed, if got fat skinny went to war and lost a leg- this is all outward, love is inside unconditional, but for us to really love another, we want te best for them. to be healthy- happy fullilled, and satisfied we have done our best. time to get our eyes off looks and look deeper into our hearts
  8. -1 points
    One big concern I would have is WHERE in Mexico. There are some areas that are literally a warzone. Research the location carefully.
  9. -1 points


    Welcome to the site! I know I'm not a mod... but I would like to ask you to use the SEARCH function in the forum. Being 'stuck' and having slime / PB episodes have been thoroughly discussed in the forum. This way, I think, we'll have all the information streamlined...and not scattered everywhere. P.S. I think this is one of the things you should have learned BEFORE having your surgery.
  10. -1 points

    So Freaking worried!!!

    I have posted on here about a similar topic, but this time I think I may be screwed... I keep a very tight band, and get stuck pretty often. However, last night I drank several margarettas (first time I have drank in 2+ years) and ate pretty soon after...EVERYTHING went down. Woke up this morning, and everything is going down, this evening , everything is going down...this has NEVER happend. i feel no pain, no sickness, and if I drink after I weat, I can feew a little bit of tightness/restriction. Did my band slip? Did I enlarge my pouch? My husband is home from iraq for two weeks, and I DO NOT want to make a doctor run if not needed , or to worry him, but I am FLIPPING out!!!

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