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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    New research on how the band works

    Finally, they know how the band works! We've had this discussion many times, how can you get stuck immediately you swallow a bite if food is sitting in the pouch for hours, not going through the stoma immediately and causing you to be stuck! DH went to the doc yesterday and was given a video. We both attend Prof. Paul O'Brien's practice so its always at the forefront of any research into the band, Prof. O'Brien being one of the band's pioneers. Anyway, their latest discovery is that food does not sit in the pouch for hours and slowly plass through as previously thought but as all those of us actually WITH a band know is probably not the case. What the band actually does is exactly like a blocked sink - you know how the plug hole chugs and glugs and spits it back up and then sucks it down, spits it up, sucks it down and gradually clears? Well, that's what the band does too. Food passes through, some goes right through, most is spat back up by the muscular contractions of the stomach, then its sucked back, some goes through, more comes up etc. In that way, each bite takes about a minute to pass through the stoma. What the band does is slow down your eating (or should) to such an extent that there is time for the food you eat to stimulate the nerves at the top of the stomach to indicate fullness - merely a exention of that old, eat slowly becuase it takes your stomach 20 minutes to tell your brain its full theory. Its the slowness of eating with a band that allows such a small portion of food to satisfy. that being the case, the doctor advised DH that its quite important not only to chew, but to WAIT between bites to allow this process to take place, even to the point of a minute between each bite of food. The DVD also went on to reinforce this clinic's believe in 3 meals a day, no Snacks based on the fact that hunger hormones are way better controlled with a long period between meals, that the body is not designed to constantly be coping with new input, but rather is designed to have long periods of fasting. I know for a fact this works for me, but I think differnet people cope better with different ways of eating. Interesting, hey?
  2. 1 point

    Forums are good and not so good

    The funny thing is I don't really see all the negativity. I see people with questions and in pain but that's what this for. I come from AA so frankly this seems pretty normal to me. At least when we go off the wagon we won't accidentally kill someone or go to jail. I see all this as normal. Even the people who aren't successful at this at this time can still be successful later. Most people don't beat an addiction their first time out. As someone who so far has been pretty successful I think I have duty to come back and do for others what was done for me. Keep me from freaking out when I got stuck or was so hungry I wanted to eat my left arm. It's not magic, it's a process and as we go along we will all fall and get frustrated or have a bad day and say the wrong thing. Just be patient, if someone posts really negative stuff try to feel sympathy for them, help them if you can and pray for them if you feel so inclined.
  3. 1 point

    very disapointed

    Well I have my surgery date on July 8 I have diabetes, high bp, sleep apnea, and iam only 30, I weigh 315 and am 6'1" iam so sick of living like this I can't wait to start my new life so what iam getting at is my sister is only 20 and is probably 280 to 300 she also is tall. I was talking with her that something needs to change fast or she's heading down my same path. I had her convinced on the lapband and how well it works so she scheduled her endoscopy test , went and did it, had her sleep study last night, and yeah I just found out that she's having second thoughts and she didn't do her sleep study so yeah I'm pretty angry we were supposed to do this together and now she's backing out iam totally still going through mine iam so excited for me but she needs help and I don't know what to do iguess it boils down to her decision any advise
  4. 1 point

    What are you looking forward to?

    Oh I love these types of threads! I'm here from the "other side" to tell you that not only will the things you've listed happen but SO many more that you haven't even thought of or never thought could happen to you. It's amazing! best wishes to you! You're making a great decision! Yayyyyy
  5. 1 point

    Negativity Stinks

    I think part of the problem is that so many surgeons are not educating their patients properly about the band. It sometimes - truly - is not the patient's fault. Lots of people aren't ready to claim the blame that lies within them for even becoming overweight! I, like you I think, believe that the greatest success comes when we do claim that blame and also empower ourselves to change it. It's not possible to force that change in people... It's taken me five years of therapy to get to where I am mentally - band or no band - but im here now!!
  6. 1 point

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    Anyone else dreading the preop liquid diet?
  7. 1 point

    Protein Shake Winner

    Jay Rob Vanilla protein powder is the bomb! Mixed with skim milk and fresh raspberries...I actually look forward to it! It is 25 g of protein per scoop...110 cal...no sugar...no carbs. 34 g of protein if mixed with a cup of skim milk. It is sweetened with a hint of Stevia...but nothing over powering. It is 100% all natural whey protien. It is pricy but it's the only one I can stand to drink anymore. Funny thing is I had protien shakes every day for the last year...by choice (lol!)!
  8. -1 points

    Learn how to spell

    rant all you want, but if you have nothing better then to go through posts and correct them, or grade them, go find a new hobby. I spell wrong sometimes, im human, im not correct with my paragraphs, but who give a crap!! Im typing fast and cant see Maybe you should start your own Form called Welcome to Correct Punctuation. Also did u ever think that maybe people may have a disability? dyslexia? Handicap? Elderly?Are not as educated and stuck up or bored? Maybe they are here for support, like we all are not to be judged or corrected, find a new hobby please. Whoever or. Whomever ( not sure which is correct, Im sure you will correct my paper) was quoting posts and mis spelled words should be ashamed of themselves
  9. -1 points

    OMGEE!! Why am I so hungry???

    I will be 5 yrs. post op in October. Sounds like you need to go in, and be totally checked out under fluoroscope. It's like a giant x ray machine that picks up the band, and your organs. They can see where your fill line is, and fill you to that point. If they think there is a leak, they can add a couple of cc's of adhesive to your fill. Then if there is a leak, it will be sealed. This is just a example of what can be done under the fluoroscope. It is painless, and you will be able to see the whole thing. I know,, I just went threw this procedure. Fluoroscope is the only way to go. Talk to your Dr., and get in, and get checked out. Shirley. Welcome to BANDLAND !
  10. -1 points

    Can anyone help me?

    G-ma, just like for anyone, we only lose weight if we consume less than we burn. A nutritionist who specializes in bariatrics is a great place to start, especially someone who knows lap band. I imagine you spent a bunch of money getting the band so it would be worth getting the help. I also can't eat in the AM so I drink a protein shake, it gets me started on my protein and keeps me from getting too hungry later. Do you know for sure you are getting at least 70 gms of protein, 64oz of water, and my doc has me eat less than 1200 cals a day. On top of that I get between 1/2 hour and 1 hour of exercise a day. There is no magic to this, it's hard work.

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