So I'm sure we have all misspelled things here and there and that is not a big deal. But I'm getting a little irritated trying to read through some of these posts that people can't use the correct spelling or even near proper grammar! There is spell-check on the computer for you, use it if you're that bad at it! I have stopped responding to some posts that have decent questions because I want to tell them to go back to school and get it right! I don't take people very seriously when they can't type a sentence. To clarify more not talking about using little words like lol, lmao, btw etc. I'm talking about spelling & grammatical errors. These are not some of the larger, harder to spell words such as anesthesia either, these are simple every day words!
Is anyone else bothered by this?? I hope I'm not the only one! (Once again, typos are common…but a few things I've noticed on here tonight I'll list…I even used it in a small sentence!
Right spelled Wright….(…eating the right way…)
Right spelled Rite…(…eating the right way…)
Weigh spelled Way…(… I weigh myself…)
Weight spelled Wait…(…my weight this morning was…)
Losing spelled Loseing…(…I've been losing lots of weight…)
You're spelled Your…(…you're over thinking this…)
Waste spelled Waist…(…why waste your time…)
Ok I'm just going to stop there, I'm sure you get the point.