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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2011 in Blog Comments

  1. 1 point

    Un-break my heart

    Hi, day dreamer remember you did this for your self and to be around to see some grand kids right ? l was married to some like your husband but add some booze it lasted 24 yrs till he died then l began a real lifes journey it is called living without verbal abuse dont wait a lifetime to try it god bless
  2. 1 point

    Un-break my heart

    I think I will comment from two different perspectives...if I may. <BR><BR>First from the man perspective. Maybe he is scared...maybe he's worried that once you lose the weight, you won't want to be with him any more. or you start getting more attention from other guys and start looking at the greener pasture...so to speak. I would think that he would do well with some reassurance from you that even after you lose weight, even after you start getting the added attention from others, that you still love him and that will not change. <BR><BR>Ok perspective 2. I'll call this the Man perspective #2 or the child perspective (since there is not a whole lot of difference sometimes). Have you ever had a child act out because they are wanting attention? and any attention, even bad attention is better than no attention in their eyes. Maybe, in his eyes, you have been spending so much time and attention leading up to this surgery that he is feeling left out. Maybe a night out, just the two of you, once a week would help him appreciate the time you spend together more.<BR><BR>Anyway, just a couple of thoughts from a guy who has no idea what you or your husband are going through. Take them for what they are worth. Just remember, they were free.<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://cdn.verticalsleevetalk.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif">
  3. 1 point

    Un-break my heart

    Girl, I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I do have a question...how was your relationship before you were sleeved? Did he simply change over night or had he been like this for a while and you're just noticing? I'm a firm believer in marriage and think it's forever but sometimes it just doesn't work out and it's better to be alone and happy than in a relationship and unhappy. Life is too short to be wasted on crap like that. With that said, I would evaluate your relationship and see if you can't work things out first. You know, my husband never went to any of my appts, only saw me once in the hospital, and never really understood what I was going through. He still doesn't, but thats my fault for not including him in my journey. Hes very good to me but he sometimes doesn't understand when I'm not feeling well. And again, thats my fault for not explaining things to him. I truly hope things get better for you. How long have you been married? How many children do you have?

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