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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2011 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I think it's wonderful that you have your husband as a co-bander. You sound like you are right back on track! You can absolutely lose those 20 pounds!! I also think it's great that you work in an office that does the procedure-that's helps keep you focus and honest. I always thought that weight watcher leaders had an edge because they were more on 'stage' with their weight lost. Now that spring is here I am sure you can do more outdoorsy things and that will keep your mind occupied and your spirit renewed! I can't believe that some people are so insensitive! Just think how much of a support you will be to someone who comes in and has gained -you now can say "Hey, that happened to me too-but I repriorized and refocused and you can do they same!" Good luck to you!
  2. 1 point


    Don't be discouraged! Statistics are just that: statistics. I'm sure they include people who haven't lost any weight into those averages as well. Plus, I think doctors tell their patients this, so if they don't lose all the excess weight they can't say their doctor lied to them or they will be prepared mentally if they don't lose all the weight. I feel it is possible to lose it all! I have faith in myself (for once in my life) and faith in my band. I just CANNOT eat like I used to, the band won't let me, and that is one contributing factor to my current success. As you can tell from my ticker I want to lose 188 pounds. There are many people on here that probably look at that stat and gasp and say she will NEVER do that and there are probably some medical professionals that believe the same. Personally, I know that it can be done. I've seen too many success stories. I have NEVER been slim or a normal size in my life and I finally feel as though I have the opportunity to make that happen. I'm almost already to that 45 to 55% stat. Maybe I can hit a homerun and get that 100%. I'll probably already be satisfied with my body before I even hit that stat. I'm already fitting into size 20s. I don't like statistics anyway (I took too many stats classes in college). LOL!
  3. 1 point

    Surgery on Monday and Freaking out !!

    Keep your eye on the prize and don't let negative thoughts take over. I know what you mean as far as being really scared but anytime you feel overwhelmed just have a motto they you say to yourself a mantra if you will. Your life will completely change- food won't be the focus of it anymore and that's a good thing. Failure is NOT an option- sometimes you might get off-track but you'll need to redirect yourself. Make a shift in your thinking. You said you are admitting that you can't do this yourself- but you are doing it yourself- you are taking control of your life and catapulting it in the right direction. Remember to keep your eye on the prize and don't get distraction by the what-ifs.
  4. 1 point
    I'm glad I don't have sleep apnea! My fiance was just diagnosed and his CPAP drives me crazy....it's so loud I want to throw it out the window!
  5. 1 point
    You're totally not nuts. My husband thought I might have sleep apnea, so I went for a sleep study and it turns out I do have severe sleep apnea. I was thrilled! It meant I could actually DO something about my fatigue and it also qualified me for the lap band surgery. A couple of suggestions for you... 1. sleep on your back. position during sleep definitely matters 2. Can you get a true monitored sleep study? It wasn't too big a deal -- they stick wires to you and you just sleep in a mock-hotel room. Much easier than trying to do all that at home... Good luck!
  6. 1 point
    I understand where you are coming from! My insurance had an exclusion for WLS, so I was on my own. The place where I went has a great cash price with 1 year of free fills at $9,900, but that was still a little too much for my budget. If I had a hiatal hernia I would only have to pay for the price of the actual band which was $5,500. I figured I had one because I started getting horrible heartburn out of nowhere everyday (that's one of the symptoms of a hiatal hernia). Turns out I did have one (thank God)! No, you are not crazy for wanting a co-morbidity if it means that you won't have to pay a dime for this amazing procedure, plus once you get it the sleep apnea should resolve itself, correct? If you don't have it hopefully they will be able to cover something (unlike my insurance ).
  7. 1 point
    I have aetna and I do believe with a bmi over 40 you should qualify. I had many comorbidities, so it wasn't an issue for me, but definately recheck the requirements Good luck to you.
  8. 1 point
    the minute that my dr said that I had hypertension I immediately started the process for the bad. All I need was a comorbity. so I understand.
  9. 1 point
    Been there! With the sleep apnea. I was convinced I did not have it. And my test, they didn't wake me to put me on CPAP. So I thought I had proved the experts wrong. But I do have it. It's weird but I love my CPAP machine! Every since I've gotten it, my sleep health is so much better. SO MUCH BETTER. I hope that someday I don't have to use it anymore but it has been a God send. My machine is super quiet too which was surprising. I just had my 12 week post op follow up with my GP. It was also our 1st anniversay since i sheeplishly walked into her office to inquire about bariatric surgery. I went through a lot of tests(A LOT OF TESTS!) the past year until 9 months later, I finally had surgery. So I understand about all the testing. But my was not entirely insurance based. But I am glad now that it took so long to get to surgery because I went in good health, 40 lb lighter and all that made surgery and recovery so much better. My GP remarked how i didn't give up after all the tests (and 1 parathyroidectomy). It was all necessary. Don't get discouraged. Listen to your team of doctors. They are the experts. The time will go quickly. Good luck. PS: I used to have Aetna until my company switched to Blue Cross. My Aetna insurance was one of the reasons I didn't pursue lap band earily. "Crappy Aetna" is what I used ot call them so I understand....I totally understand...
  10. -1 points

    My Dr Was Fired!

    Im sure he was let go for a darn good reason. Maybe you should not be upset but happy that he is no longer practicing he may have really made some bad mistakes and hurt some people so maybe your lucky he is gone.

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