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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    I DID IT!!!

    100 pounds are gone forever!!! This morning I dragged my unmotivated butt onto the scale thinking, "tomorrow is my surgiversary and I will not have met my 100 pound goal because my weightloss has slowed to a near STOP" whoa is me.... well instead I got on one day before my surgiversary and voila!!! 100.5 pounds are gone. :success1: I think that I floated off the scale but I am not sure, I cant really remember clearly because I think I momentarily got hysterical,lol. I just wanted to post my unending happiness on here so others can be given the hope that yes it is possible. We all do the best we can and still have days that we feel that the end is never going to be in sight, well it can happen! This has been one of the hardest things I have done in my life. I didnt take the "EASY" road as some like to think and judge, but, I did get the tool I needed to take my life back. Congratulations to all of us who have had the nerve to demand that we deserve better than to just settle for being overweight and unhealthy.! You all have given me many days of motivation and I want to do the same for those starting out, feeling stuck or just having a bad day. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LBT, you are so wonderful!!! :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:
  2. 1 point
    I agree with you, there is no reason in the world you can't have a piece of pizza Spartan! If you are loosing the weight who the hell cares!
  3. 1 point

    Skinny Bucket List

    Not panic about driving with other people because I might have to sit in the backseat. Many backseats have seat belts that are smaller than those found in the front.
  4. 1 point
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a slice of pizza, Spartan! I don't see anyone talking about stuffing their faces with it every weekend! Just sayin'!
  5. 1 point

    Skinny Bucket List

    I saw this post and I just had to reply because I hit my goal and I am living my bucket list! 1. Fly in an airplane in comfort...done! 2. Fly in a small plane where they need to know your weight before take off (and I told the truth!)...done! 3. Walk through town eating a ice cream cone (a small one) and not feel like people are staring at the fat lady...done! 4. Buy a single digit item of clothing...done!!!!!!!! 5. Buy boots in a department store...done!!! I started at 244 and I am now fluctuating between 129 and 131...I had a life long problem with obesity, and this is my first time living as a thinner person...I am on a drug known for weight gain, so I am watching daily...I am determined to never weigh over 135 again!!!
  6. 1 point

    Calories per day

    Get a small unfill then? Why would they make you super tight, and if you know you're too tight why haven't you gone in for an unfill? Either way caloric levels will vary per person. I started off eating 600-800 with minimal exercise along with a low carb diet. Now that I am exercising an hour minimum a day, I've been eating 1300 calories a day. If you want a rough range of what you should be eating calorie wise each day, this website may be helpful http://www.healthyweightforum.org/eng/calculators/calories-required/. If you want to do it on your own, figure out your BMR, multiply it by your activity level, and then subtract 500 from that total. For example, my BMR is 1440 or so; that's how many calories I'd burn laying in bed. For my activity level I say I do "moderate" activity, which is usually calculated at 1.3 or so. 1440 x 1.3 = 1872. TO maintain I'd want to eat around 1800 calories. To lose, I create a deficit, so 1872-500 = 1372 calories a day. Of course this isn't perfect though it may help give you a range to play around in. I did lose plenty eating 600 calories but it is not attainable nor healthy.
  7. -1 points
    Funny Stuff. Some People here acknowledge that pizza is NOT a good choice for someone trying to lose weight. But look at all the people who went ahead and did it anyway. Jeez. And people wonder why the actual success rate of the lap band is so low. S.

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