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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2007 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I am hovering just three pounds away from Onederland!!! Dying to get there!!! We can all do it. In order to get to Onederland, I am cutting down my drinking from three glasses of wine a night to one or two. This will eliminate 700-1,400 calories a week and so should equal an extra quarter pound a week or so. I'm also going to start exercising! (As soon as this tenacious sinus infection/cough goes away). We can do it!!!
  2. 1 point

    Jumped the Gun..?

    Well, I'm strictly on mushies again... just realizing that eating out during this phase is really too hard to do for me. I think I won't go out again until I'm officially on solids.
  3. 1 point

    Mt. Pleasant Bandsters

    Yes, 24 hours and I'm about to starve. I'll probably have to do 24 hours after too. Isn't it funny how the different docs require different things when we all have the same adjustments inside.
  4. 1 point

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    I have about 2minutes.... Deb: Here is the recipe from Photonut that I think is fabulous! 2cups milk or half & half 2 scoops whey protein 1/2 banana 1teaspoon splenda 1can slimfast - I like vanilla Blend This is 75grams protein. You have all day to drink this. Enjoy.
  5. 1 point

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Hey All My signal is flickering, so I am not going to do personals, again. Sorry! I am scum. I didn't go to the other interview... there was no point, since I am NOT going to drive and hour + to get to work every day... no matter how much more they pay. The job right near the house has everything I need for the next year or so - and the pay is comparable to first year teacher salary. So, I took the goofy tests I have to take in order for them to give me a formal offer. Hopefully, I will make the grade! Otherwise, I might have to take a job with my employer of last resort. Well, I am going to go to bed, now. Hugs and Love to All!! Hey Texas Chicks... It is looking like I won't be available on a weekday, either. Can we do a weekend day to meet up with Miss Kat?
  6. 1 point

    Rep Power:

    I just wanted to throw my 2 cents.. the rep thing bothers me! I keep looking at mine and getting self-conscious.. It feels like a popularity contest thing. :think
  7. 1 point

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    Hey All... Back from Cabinland! It was WONDERFUL having indoor plumbing once again and this time I actually ventured into the whirlpool tub...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I think we are going to buy it... we really do love it there... the problem will be getting me to stay home... ever. Sherry... Loved your angel! If you ever do them to sell I'll be putting my order in for a dragonfly. Betty... Snow... WOW...lol... I actually thought of you when we watched the news and they told of snow in Texas...lol. Of course... we had snow Saturday but that is certainly more normal around these parts! So sorry about your Aunt... (((hugs))) Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Here are some pics of the possible cabin upgrade.
  8. 1 point

    April chat for NJ!!!!!

    M Cindy-I miss my baby too! They grow so fast it's so sad! Sherry-Not to worry about personals. I'm the worst but everyone still welcomes me! Our kids driving is scary I pray all the time for them. I think I even got some grey hair about it. Eileen- Ouch..hugs...big hugs...You are not a low life you are a beautiful young woman not only inside but out! Love you.. Beanie-Wow that is so cool that your taking classes! I wish I had the courage to do that. I would have to go back to the ABC's and 1 + 1's! If I did have the courage I think I'd go in to be an ultrasound tech. Cindy-Can I come!! lol Blizzard world what a BLAST that place is! Mandy-Thanks for your PM. We are looking for a vacation we sure need one this year it has been the most stressful yet for all of us! Well I went to choir practice tonight the first time since January! It was nice to go. When I went into the building it was 80, got out and it is in the 60's and the wind is blowing! DH is flying home tonight from FL he is changing flights in Atlanta I sure hope his flight won't be to horrible. Well it's time to try to find ANOTHER bra that feels comfy to sleep in. Have a good night. Eileen smile.
  9. -1 points

    July 2006 Band Crew

    That was too funny about Aunt Flo, Okay guys I need your help. You know how I haven't lost anything in 2 months. Had anothe fill about a month ago and I'm tight, tight, tight. I have been tracking what I'm eating on fitday and I'm eating between 600 and 800 calories a day. Now, I've heard the your body thinks your starving stuff before but thought it was a crock. Do you really think that's why I'm not losing? Seems pretty far fetched for me as my thinking is less is better but I'm ready to put my band out and jump up and down on it. I mean after being out close to 20,000.00 I guess it's easy to blame my band. I really am getting so frustrated and my family is like, how much have you lost, and I'll tell them the same thing I told them 2 months ago and you can see the "oh lord, she's just wasted her money type look on their faces" look. I mean I have went from 24's to 16's and I'm thrilled to death with that because I'm 5'8" and I can carry more weight but this is ridiculous. One other thing, I was also wondering about. Everyone probably knows in the past 5 years I have the 3rd degree burns over 33 percent of body, neck surgery, back surgery, foot surgery, and fat. I've been on Loritab's for a couple of years because I've still got 2 ruptured disks in lower back. Well, he doesn't have me on anything for arthritis but I have lots of medal in my neck and back and the past 3 days it's been raining here and I didn't refill my pain meds this month because I thought I'm going to beat this pain regardless. Well, for the past 3 days, I can't walk standing up straight, I'm in so much pain I got in the floor last night and just laid there and cried I couldn't stand the pain. I got up this morning and the pain was a 10 on a scale of 1-10. I guess I will have no choice but get my meds filled but do you guys think this too could be hindering me. I would take any advice, good or bad. I've got to start losing more pounds. I did measure myself and have lost over 50 inches so maybe that's a little part of it too. I'm just out of answers and I knew maybe someone had some clue. Thanks guys, sorry so long. This is just getting old for me. Way to go Steph, you rock.
  10. -1 points

    Bad news turned Good!!!

    Yep, With self pay you call and in 2 weeks usually you are having surgery. I don't regret self paying either. Congrats on your dream coming true and yes I believe things will be much easier for you having this done and on your road to skinny. Good luck on the move too. BTW, what does Rep Power mean. I've been on here for a year and just now noticing. LOL.

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