Hey y'all,
Haven't posted in a while but I need some insight from the community. I was sleeved December 2020, took RX strength omeprazole for 90 days post op since that was what my surgeon did., had zero issues with heartburn incidences. However, heartburn runs in my family---in the males, I didn't have issues beyond maybe once in a frozen blue moon I MIGHT have a mild case that 2 Tums fixed before surgery.
Fast forward a couple of years-heartburn incidences starts getting worse/becoming more numerous, would get up choking on acid if I laid down to soon after eating and everything seemed to cause it. Water, protein shakes, sugar/no sugar, etc it's just stupid. I had a bad attack of pain and nausea a few months ago that honestly had me worried about a heart attack but ended up with a CT scan and was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia--the ER doc I saw said my surgery site/stomach looked fine though. I have regained about 35-40ishlbs from where I was but I have maintained a loss of close to 80lbs. In order to survive mostly comfortably, I am living off of a lot of days multiple famotidines sprinkled through the day. Sometimes NOT eating also causes heartburn. I'm over it 120%.
Here's my question---my current insurance covers NO bariatric surgery for ANY reason. Should I pursue JUST the hernia repair in the US or should I look into going to Mexico for a revision to the Bypass with maybe also a hernia repair if that's offered? The reason I went with the sleeve in the first place was my already mild anemia that is genetic-runs in the family on the women's side unfortunately and I didn't want to contend with possibly getting really anemic or not being able to keep up with the nutrition/vitamin requirements but I can't live with this heartburn issue for another 50-60+ years (currently 35 years old).
Thanks for anyone who wants to give me some thoughts/input!